



对于ESPN的年度“身体问题”,包括Michael Phelps,Venus Williams和Marshawn Lynch在内的几位运动员为六种不同的封面构成裸体。但其中一个特别是得到了大部分注意力.  

德克萨斯游骑兵队的一垒手Prince Fielder体重275磅,在网上激起了很多关于他的体格的评论,有些人声称这个评论并未达到顶峰.


“你不必看起来像安德玛的模特才能成为一名运动员,”菲尔德谈到他在ESPN杂志中的体格。 “我努力确保我能尽我所能完成我的工作。”



一个人有不同的看法:Tamron Hall,她在星期三说,她非常喜欢这张照片,她无法入睡.

“我喜欢这张照片。我整晚都在考虑它,”腾龙说。 “这是一种惊人的自信。他有一些传统上所说的直觉……但是姿势,信心,一切都是关于它的。他就像一个希腊神。”

她甚至承认她计算了所有的纹身 – 并将封面设为她的推特个人照片. 

“我们需要为你提供一个Netflix帐户或者其他东西,”Willie Geist开玩笑说.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the controversy surrounding Prince Fielders body image and his appearance on ESPNs annual “Body Issue.” Some people have criticized his weight, while others have praised his confidence and athleticism. Fielder defends his body and explains his training regimen to ensure he can perform at his position. The article also includes reactions from various individuals, including Tamron Hall, who admires Fielders confidence and considers him a “Greek god.” Overall, the article highlights the ongoing debate about body image and athleticism in sports.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the controversy surrounding Prince Fielders body image and his appearance on ESPNs annual “Body Issue.” Some people have criticized his weight, while others have praised his confidence and athleticism. Fielder defends his body and explains his training regimen to ensure he can perform at his position. The article also includes reactions from various individuals, including Tamron Hall, who admires Fielders confidence and considers him a “Greek god.” Overall, the article highlights the ongoing debate about body image in sports and society.

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