Caitlyn Jenner写了一本关于她从Bruce Jenner过渡的书

Caitlyn Jenner写了一本关于她从Bruce Jenner过渡的书



凯特琳 Jenner
Cailtyn Jenner将谈论她将从奥运会金牌得主布鲁斯詹纳转变为跨性别女人,作为计划于2023年发布的回忆录的一部分.凯文温特/盖蒂图片社

该书定于2023年春季由Hachette Book Group旗下的Grand Central Publishing发行.

相关:名利场的Buzz Bissinger:Caitlyn Jenner’找到了她的灵魂,Bruce从未有过’

“在我同意所有事情必须摆在桌面上之前,我已经向她明确表示,没有什么可以被遗漏,我将会采访其他几十人,”比辛格告诉“泰晤士报”。 “这是她的书,但是要报道是为了让她保持诚实。她非常开放,我认为它有可能成为一本非常重要的书。“

Caitlyn Jenner在与Matt Lauer打高尔夫球时谈到过渡


自从最初确认她于2015年5月过渡到Diane Sawyer后,Jenner出现在名利场封面上,主演了E!真人秀“我是凯特”,并在ESPYs获得了亚瑟·阿什勇气奖。她也是跨性别社区的积极分子和公众形象.


Buzz Bissinger:Caitlyn Jenner’找到了她的灵魂’


在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Caitlyn Jenners upcoming memoir, which will document her journey from Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner to a transgender woman. The memoir is set to be released in spring 2017 and will be co-written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Buzz Bissinger. The book will cover Jenners early life, her athletic career, her marriages, and her transition to Caitlyn. Bissinger has stated that the book will be honest and open, and he believes it has the potential to be a very important book.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Caitlyn Jenners upcoming memoir, which will document her journey from Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner to a transgender woman. The memoir is set to be released in spring 2017 and will be co-written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Buzz Bissinger. The book will cover Jenners early life, her athletic career, her marriages, and her transition to Caitlyn. Bissinger has stated that the book will be honest and open, and he believes it has the potential to be a very important book.

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