‘错过了标记’:Bud Light承认最新品牌是一个错误

‘错过了标记’:Bud Light承认最新品牌是一个错误

在饮用者发现该品牌的一些啤酒瓶上有一个好奇的口号后,Bud Light活动正在回火.

Bud Lights承认:最新广告系列代码“错过了标记”



这个口号是该品牌去年推出的“Up for Whatever”活动的一部分,虽然“无论什么”可能是指自发舞会和深夜卡拉OK,但很容易看出这个消息是如何被误解的。.

拥有Bud Light的Anheuser-Busch向TODAY.com发送了以下声明,承认广告“错过了标记”。

“Bud Light Up for无论什么活动,现已进入第二年,已经激励数百万消费者以积极和轻松的方式与我们的品牌互动,”Bud Light副总裁Alexander Lambrecht在声明中表示,该公司还在Twitter上发布。 “本着这种精神,我们制作了140多种不同的滚动信息,旨在鼓励自发的乐趣。很明显,这条消息错过了标记,我们后悔了。我们永远不会宽恕不尊重或不负责任的行为。“



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, it is important for brands to be mindful of the messages they convey in their advertising campaigns. The Bud Light “Up for Whatever” campaign may have been intended to promote spontaneous fun, but the use of the slogan “The perfect beer for removing no from your vocabulary for the night” was inappropriate and offensive. It is commendable that the brand has acknowledged their mistake and apologized for it. It is crucial for companies to be responsible and respectful in their marketing efforts to avoid causing harm or offense to their audience.

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