

本周,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)在一个闪亮的新州教练的带领下进入开放议会 – 这是一个关于轮子的历史.

Diamond Jubilee State Coach由澳大利亚Jim Frecklington设计和建造,是十年工作的产物。该项目由个人努力而非皇家委员会承担,完全由澳大利亚政府拨款和个人贷款提供资金.



该运输是为了女王的80岁生日礼物,但由于融资问题和贡献者的浓厚兴趣,已经延迟了八年。 “这么多人,一旦他们了解到我在做什么,就想要从一座伟大的建筑物,伟大的船只或大型飞机中获得材料,”Frecklington解释说。.


这是一个轮子上的博物馆. 弗雷克林顿使用了超过一百块英国历史来装饰马车的内部和外部,包括亨利八世战舰的碎片,玛丽玫瑰,尼尔森勋爵的船,胜利,以及来自威斯敏斯特教堂,St的木头。保罗大教堂,肯辛顿宫,甚至是艾萨克牛顿爵士的苹果树。但它也包含了皇家游艇“不列颠尼亚号”(Britannia)的木材形式的现代历史,在1997年退役之前,女王曾多次游历。.

该 two lanterns on display to the fore of the new Diamond Jubilee state coach which will be used by Queen Elizabeth II during the State Opening of Pa...
这两个灯笼展示了新的Diamond Jubilee州教练.Jonathan Brady /今天

这是一段具有现代感的历史. 教练可能非常不舒服和颠簸,但这个有六个液压稳定器,以提供平稳的骑行。它们被金箔覆盖,给人以壮观的印象。车厢还配有电动车窗和加热器,以提供最大的舒适度.

该 new Diamond Jubilee state coach which will be used by Queen Elizabeth II during the State Opening of Parliament on June 4.
新的Diamond Jubilee州教练将于6月4日在国会开幕时由女王伊丽莎白二世使用.Jonathan Brady /今天


禁运 TO 2300 TUESDAY JUNE 3 One of the doors of the new Diamond Jubilee state coach which will be used by Queen Elizabeth II during the State Ope...
新的Diamond Jubilee州教练的大门之一.Jonathan Brady /今天


一个 part of the Stone of Destiny has been placed under the seats in the new Diamond Jubilee state coach which will be used by Queen Elizabeth II during ...
“命运之石”的一部分已被置于新教练的座位下.Jonathan Brady /今天

这是一个适合女王的座位. 弗雷克林顿嵌入了命运之石的一部分,这是几个世纪以来在苏格兰,英格兰和英国的君主加冕中使用的一种神器,位于君主所在的马车座位下。 336磅。石头位于爱丁堡城堡,但在加冕仪式需要时可以前往威斯敏斯特教堂。它最后一次用于1953年伊丽莎白女王的加冕典礼.

从6月15日开始,白金汉宫的皇家马厩将展出Diamond Jubilee State Coach。.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    This week, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom entered the open parliament in a shiny new state coach – a piece of history about wheels. The Diamond Jubilee State Coach was designed and built by Australian Jim Frecklington and is the product of ten years of work. The project was funded entirely by the Australian government and personal loans, rather than by the Royal Commission. The Queens new ride is full of British tradition. It was intended as a birthday gift for the Queens 80th birthday, but due to financing issues and the strong interest of contributors, it was delayed for eight years. “So many people, once they found out what I was doing, wanted to get materials from a great building, a great ship, or a large plane,” Frecklington explained. Here are five things about the Queens new ride: Its a museum on wheels. Frecklington used over a hundred pieces of British history to decorate the inside and outside of the carriage, including fragments of Henry VIIIs warship, Mary Rose, Lord Nelsons ship, Victory, and wood from Westminster Abbey, St. Pauls Cathedral, Kensington Palace, and even Sir Isaac Newtons apple tree. But it also includes modern history in the form of wood from the Royal Yacht Britannia, which the Queen traveled on several times before it was decommissioned in 1997. This is a piece of modern history. The coach may be very uncomfortable and bumpy, but it has six hydraulic stabilizers to provide a smooth ride. They are covered in gold leaf, giving a spectacular impression. The carriage also has electric windows and heaters for maximum comfort. This is a journey of a lifetime. The Queens Royal Stables contain some coaches dating back to the 18th century: the Gold State Coach dates back to 1762, and the Scottish State Coach was built in 1830. The Diamond Jubilee State Coach is expected to join its siblings in longevity. This is an invaluable work of art. It is eighteen feet long and eleven feet high, and it is the second royal long-distance coach built in a hundred years, and its construction is definitely not cheap. According to reports, the project cost $4.5 million, and if sold, the transport value could be twice that. Part of the “Stone of Destiny” has been placed

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    This week, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom entered the open parliament in a shiny new state coach – a piece of history about wheels. The Diamond Jubilee State Coach was designed and built by Australian Jim Frecklington and is the product of ten years of work. The project was funded entirely by the Australian government and personal loans, rather than by the Royal Commission. The Queens new ride is full of British tradition. It was intended as a birthday gift for the Queens 80th birthday, but due to financing issues and the strong interest of contributors, it was delayed for eight years. “So many people, once they found out what I was doing, wanted to get materials from a great building, a great ship, or a large plane,” Frecklington explained. Here are five things about the Queens new ride: Its a museum on wheels. Frecklington used over a hundred pieces of British history to decorate the inside and outside of the carriage, including fragments of Henry VIIIs warship, Mary Rose, Lord Nelsons ship, Victory, and wood from Westminster Abbey, St. Pauls Cathedral, Kensington Palace, and even Sir Isaac Newtons apple tree. But it also includes modern history in the form of wood from the Royal Yacht Britannia, which the Queen traveled on several times before it was decommissioned in 1997. This is a piece of modern history. The coach may be very uncomfortable and bumpy, but it has six hydraulic stabilizers to provide a smooth ride. They are covered in gold leaf, giving a spectacular impression. The carriage also has electric windows and heaters for maximum comfort. This is a journey of a lifetime. The Queens Royal Stables contain some coaches dating back to the 18th century: the Gold State Coach dates back to 1762, and the Scottish State Coach was built in 1830. The Diamond Jubilee State Coach is expected to join its siblings in longevity. This is an invaluable work of art. It is eighteen feet long and eleven feet high, and it is the second royal long-distance coach built in a hundred years, and its construction is definitely not cheap. According to reports, the project cost $4.5 million, and if sold, the transport value could be twice that. Part of the “Stone of Destiny” has been placed

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