


标志性的Victor Edelstein礼服售价为240,000英镑,约合36.2万英镑,几乎是1997年上次拍卖时的两倍。.

“她非常喜欢用深色天鹅绒炫耀珠宝,而且它的裙子旋转得非常漂亮,非常适合跳舞,”洛杉矶的时尚历史学家金伯利克里斯曼 – 坎贝尔说,她专门研究欧洲时尚。 “它有性感的低领口,随着年龄的增长,她穿的更多。”

公主 Diana wore this Catherine Walker burgundy crushed velvet evening gown during a state visit to Australia and to the film premiere of
戴安娜王妃在澳大利亚进行国事访问期间穿着这件Catherine Walker勃艮第粉碎天鹅绒晚礼服,并于1985年参加了“回归未来”电影首映式。它在拍卖会上以163,000美元的价格出售.凯瑞泰勒拍卖/今天

戴安娜于1997年在她去世前三个月,在她的儿子威廉王子的建议下首次拍卖了她的一些礼服用于慈善事业。克里斯曼 – 坎贝尔说,自从她去世以来,礼服的价值已经暴涨,博物馆正在抢夺更多她的服装,减少可用于私人收藏的礼服.

“戴安娜加特拉沃尔塔和白宫的组合使这成为明星,”克里斯曼 – 坎贝尔说。 “我再也不是最畅销的了,我并不感到惊讶。”


戴安娜 wore this Catherine Walker black velvet and beaded evening gown for the Vanity Fair photo-shoot at Kensington Palace in 1997. It sold Tuesday for $163,000.
戴安娜穿着这件Catherine Walker黑色天鹅绒和串珠晚礼服,于1997年在肯辛顿宫拍摄名利场照片。周二售价为163,000美元.凯瑞泰勒拍卖/今天


那些没有幸运购买其中一件礼服的人可以在今年剩余时间里在加利福尼亚州长滩的玛丽皇后酒店展出一系列戴安娜礼服。像这样的展品,“黛安娜:公主的遗产”,很少见,因为礼服是如此脆弱,只能短时间展示,克里斯曼 – 坎贝尔补充说.



  • 戴安娜王妃的标志性礼服出售
  • 像戴安娜王妃一样,哈里王子加入了反对地雷的运动
  • 查尔斯王子向’卡拉利亚’冲了过来
  • 戴安娜王妃的传记作者在照片中识别出“神秘男人”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent auction of Princess Dianas iconic dresses, including a navy blue velvet gown and a black velvet and beaded evening dress. The dresses sold for a combined total of approximately $1.2 million. The article also mentions the rarity of such exhibitions due to the fragility of the dresses.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent auction of Princess Dianas iconic dresses, including the navy blue velvet gown she wore while dancing with John Travolta at the White House in 1985. The dress sold for £240,000, almost double its previous auction price in 1997. The article also mentions the increasing value of Princess Dianas dresses since her death, with museums competing for them and fewer available for private collections. The auction raised approximately $1.2 million, and those who missed out on purchasing a dress can view a collection of her dresses at the Mary Queen Hotel in California.

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