

布丽吉特·马克龙(Brigitte Macron)开始谈论她与法国总统的婚姻以及与她丈夫在办公室任职时引起国际关注的广泛年龄差距.

大约二十年前,这位64岁的法国第一夫人遇到了39岁的Emmanuel Macron,当时她还是一所戏剧老师。目前还不清楚他们的关系何时开始,但这对夫妇在2007年结婚,离婚一年后.

G20 leaders summit in Hamburg
法国总统Emmanuel Macron和他的妻子Brigitte Macron上个月在德国汉堡举行的G20峰会.Wolfgang Rattay /路透社

“在你的生活中,有些时候你需要做出重要的选择,”她在接受Elle France采访时说。 “对我而言,就是这样。所以,20年来所说的话,这是微不足道的。”



“当然,我们一起吃早餐,我和我的皱纹,他的年轻,但就像那样,”她说。 “如果我没有做出那样的选择,我会错过我的生活。我和孩子们一起度过了很多快乐,同时,我觉得我必须像’(法国诗人)Prevert一样生活’这种爱’说,要完全开心。“

文件 - 法国 - 总统政府音符号,100天
Brigitte Macron说,她比她丈夫年长24岁,这是“微不足道的”。THIBAULT CAMUS /法新社 – 盖蒂图片社


“如果我比我的妻子大20岁,没有人会想到我们不能合法地在一起,”他在视频采访中告诉Le Parisien。 “这是因为她比我大20岁,很多人都说,’这种关系不可能成立,这是不可能的。’”


埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)就任法国最年轻的总统


今年7月,特朗普对两位在法国进行正式访问期间相遇的Brigitte Macron表现出色的评论.


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English. The article discusses the age difference between French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron, who is 24 years older than him. The couples relationship has been the subject of international attention, with some criticizing their age difference. Brigitte Macron has defended their relationship, stating that she would have missed out on her life if she had not made the choice to be with Emmanuel. The French President has also spoken out against the criticism, calling it a result of gender discrimination and homophobia. The article also notes that the age difference between the Macrons is the same as that between US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania, but has received less attention.

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