悲剧发生15年后,新照片揭示了JFK Jr.,Carolyn Bessette

悲剧发生15年后,新照片揭示了JFK Jr.,Carolyn Bessette

载着John F. Kennedy Jr.和Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy的飞机从空中坠落已有15年了,但人们仍然对这对美丽,高调的情侣的爱情故事着迷。现在,以前未见到的一位被杀害的总统和他的新娘的儿子的照片已与“人物”杂志分享,以及他们悲惨死亡之前与他们亲近的人的新见解.

People的副主编JD Heyman周三与TODAY坐下来分享这对夫妇所揭示的内容。 “这是你第一次真正听到那些了解他们的人,并看到前所未有的图像。你会看到他们和朋友的宝宝一起玩的照片,真的很好玩,只是享受生活任何年轻夫妇都会享受生活的方式。“

今天还与小JFK Jr.的助手RoseMarie Terenzio谈过他生命的最后五年,她说他和Carolyn是真正的交易:“他们是那种有趣的情侣。他们不是’那种一直在争吵的夫妇的类型。他们之间没有紧张关系。“ 

人 magazine

特伦齐奥说,小报中出现的深情照片并没有被曝光:这对夫妇真的很有意思。 “他们找到了对方,这太棒了,因为……我认为他们真的是彼此最好的朋友和灵魂伴侣。如果存在的话。他们真的相互拥抱,而不仅仅是浪漫;这是友谊“。

约翰 Kennedy Jr. and his wife Carolyn Bessette arrive at the US Customs House in New York city May 19, 1999 for the Newman's Own/George Awards honoring...
约翰肯尼迪和他的妻子Carolyn Bessette于1999年5月19日抵达纽约市美国海关大楼,为纽曼自己/乔治奖颁奖,以纪念慷慨的美国公司。 (摄影:Diane Freed)今天

而Terenzio补充说,尽管Bessette因冰冷和严峻而闻名,但她实际上有很强的幽默感 – 特别是当JFK Jr的臭名昭着的过去作为一个潇洒的花花公子.

约翰 F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy.

“那是情人节,这是他们结婚的第一年。那个时代的每一位流行金发女郎都送来鲜花:’爱,帕梅拉安德森’,’爱,Vendela’,’爱,Claudia Schiffer’。这只是搞笑.


JFK Jr., Carolyn Bessette in People magazine

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    It has been 15 years since the plane carrying John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy crashed from the sky, but people are still fascinated by the love story of this beautiful and high-profile couple. Now, previously unseen photos of the son of a murdered president and his bride have been shared with People magazine, along with new insights into their relationships with those close to them before their tragic deaths. JD Heyman, deputy editor of People, sat down with TODAY on Wednesday to share what the couple revealed. “This is the first time you really hear from people who knew them and see never-before-seen images. Youll see pictures of them playing with friends babies, really having fun, just enjoying life the way any young couple would enjoy life.” TODAY also spoke with RoseMarie Terenzio, JFK Jr.s assistant, about the last five years of his life, and she said he and Carolyn were a true match: “They were the kind of fun couple. They werent the type of couple who were always arguing. There was no tension between them.” Terenzio also said that the intimate photos that appeared in the tabloids were not exposed: “They were really interesting as a couple. They found each other, which was great because… I think they really were each others best friends and soulmates. If that exists. They really hugged each other, not just romantically; it was friendship.” John Kennedy and his wife Carolyn Bessette arrived at the US Customs Building in New York City on May 19, 1999, to present the Newmans Own/George Award, honoring generous American companies. (Photo: Diane Freed) Today, Terenzio added that despite Bessettes reputation for being cold and severe, she actually had a strong sense of humor – especially when it came to JFK Jr.s notorious past as a dashing playboy. “It was Valentines Day, and it was their first year of marriage. Every popular blonde at the time sent flowers: Love, Pamela Anderson, Love, Vendela, Love, Claudia Schiffer. It was just funny.” They were a young, happy, and beautiful couple in love,” Terenzio said.

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