كان لدى جورج دبليو ولورا بوش سببين رئيسيين للاحتفال خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، وقام الرئيس السابق بتلويخهما في موقع واحد قصير جدًا وناعم جدًا على Instagram.
وإلى جانب صورة لهما ، كتب: “الذكرى السنوية الأربعين السعيدة والميلاد غير المكشوف لحب حياتي ،laurawbush”.
نعم ، لقد كان يوم السبت هو عيد ميلاد السيدة الأولى السابقة ، وبما أننا لسنا زوجها الحذق ، يمكننا أن نضيف أنها تحولت إلى 71 – تماماً كما فعل زوجها قبل بضعة أشهر.
في اليوم التالي احتفل الثنائي بالذكرى السنوية.
وهي ليست مجرد ذكرى مرور 40 عامًا منذ أن تزوجت – بل بالكاد أكثر من ذلك منذ أن التقيا لأول مرة!
بدأت الشراكة الدائمة لبوش مع زوبعة في عام 1977. تم تقديمهم لبعضهم البعض في يوليو ، شاركوا في سبتمبر ثم تناوبوا في 5 نوفمبر من نفس العام.
جينا بوش هاغر ، باربرا بوش تقول أمي ، السيدة الأولى السابقة لورا بوش ، كانت هيبي
عندما تعرف ، تعرف فقط!
ولدى بوش مجموعة من البنتين – بما في ذلك جينا بوش هاغر – وهي جريدة TODAY نفسها – وحفيدتين.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
George W. and Laura Bush had two main reasons to celebrate during the weekend, and the former president shared them in a very short and sweet post on Instagram. Alongside a picture of them, he wrote: “Happy 40th anniversary and undisclosed birthday to the love of my life, @laurawbush.” Yes, Saturday was the former first ladys birthday, and since we are not her clever husband, we can add that she turned 71 – just like her husband did a few months ago. The next day, the couple celebrated their anniversary. Its not just a 40-year milestone since they got married – its barely more than that since they first met! The Bushes enduring partnership began with a whirlwind in 1977. They were introduced to each other in July, went on a date in September, and took turns in November of the same year. Jenna Bush Hager, Barbara Bush says my mom, former first lady Laura Bush, was happy on Oct. 24, 2017, at 9:07 a.m. When you know, you just know! The Bushes have a brood of girls – including Jenna Bush Hager herself – and two granddaughters.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
George W. and Laura Bush had two main reasons to celebrate during the weekend, and the former president shared them in a very short and sweet post on Instagram. Alongside a picture of them, he wrote: “Happy 40th anniversary and undisclosed birthday to the love of my life, @laurawbush.” Yes, Saturday was the former first ladys birthday, and since we are not her clever husband, we can add that she turned 71 – just like her husband did a few months ago. The next day, the couple celebrated their anniversary. Its not just a 40-year milestone since they got married – its barely more than that since they first met! The Bushes enduring partnership began with a whirlwind in 1977. They were introduced to each other in July, went on a date in September, and took turns in November of the same year. Jenna Bush Hager, Barbara Bush says my mom, former first lady Laura Bush, was happy on Oct. 24, 2017, at 9:07 a.m. When you know, you just know! The Bushes have a brood of girls – including Jenna Bush Hager herself – and two granddaughters.