阿里尔·卡斯特罗的儿子:“后面的酒吧是他一生中所属的地方” 2023



阿里尔 Castro (left), and his son Anthony.
阿里尔·卡斯特罗(左)于2001年与他的儿子安东尼在房子的厨房里合照,老卡斯特罗在那里举行了三名女性俘虏. 今天

“我认为,如果他真的无法控制自己的冲动,而且他对人类的生活没有任何价值,就像这个案子所表明的那样,那么他就是他在余生中所处的地方,”他告诉我TODAY今天的Savannah Guthrie独家专访.


“在过去的10年里,他一直在向家人撒谎,在任何可能的转折中都是11年。我不相信他。我不能看到自己去拜访他并让他有机会面对我并再次欺骗我, “他说,后来补充说:”我没有什么可说的。“


被绑架的三名女性–Amanda Berry,Gina DeJesus和Michelle Knight–于2002年至2004年间从克利夫兰的街道被带走。他们在5月份被Berry闯入卡斯特罗的房子的门后挣脱,并在她的俘虏被抓住时尖叫起来。远.


安东尼·卡斯特罗说,当他听到两名受害者 – 贝瑞和德杰苏斯 – 被发现时,他最初的反应与克利夫兰的其他人一样,有“压倒性的喜悦”。但是,在父亲的名字和照片与女性失踪有关后,他很快就感到恶心.

阿里尔 Castro, shown in court, has agreed to a plea deal.

“当911电话开始播放时,我真的变得真实,我听到Amanda Berry说出了他的名字,”他说。 “那是最艰难的时刻,那就是它成为现实。”


“门上的锁并不罕见,”他说。 “即使我们住在那里,地下室门,阁楼门也有锁。车库被锁了。 Windows被关闭了。“

卡斯特罗回忆起自己小时候一直在睡觉“因为我的腿被腰带上的伤口覆盖着 – 看到我的妈妈在我们自己的家中被殴打.



安东尼 Castro with his mom, Nilda Figueroa, who passed away in 2012.
安东尼卡斯特罗和他的母亲,Nilda Figueroa,于2012年去世.今天



作为交换,检察官同意取消与他涉嫌企图强迫他的一名受害者流产后的死刑指控 – 通过在肚子里打她 – 在他浸透她之后.




“他永远不会出来,除非钉在一个盒子里或在一个ashcan中,”Cuyahoga县检察官Timothy J. McGinty周五说.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the given topic.

    It is disturbing to hear about the Cleveland man who imprisoned three women for a decade and his sons defense of his actions. No one should have to endure such violence and trauma, and it is important that justice is served for the victims. It is also concerning to hear about the sons own experiences of violence and fear growing up in a household with such a history. It is crucial that we work towards preventing such atrocities from happening in the future and providing support for those who have been affected by them.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the case of Ariel Castro, a man from Cleveland who imprisoned three women for ten years and was sentenced to life in prison. His son, Anthony Castro, spoke out about his fathers actions and the impact it had on their family. The article also mentions the plea deal that Ariel Castro agreed to and the upcoming sentencing hearing where the victims will have the opportunity to speak. Overall, the article highlights the severity of the crime and the consequences that Ariel Castro will face for his actions.

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