

伊丽莎白·肖佛(Elizabeth Shoaf)用成年人难以想象的平静气氛描述了她所忍受的恐怖,更不用说一个十几岁的女孩了.



没有人救她,女孩救了自己。她的父母Madeline和Don Shoaf仍然对她的勇气和力量感到惊讶.

“我一直看着她,想想她经历了什么以及她是怎么做到的,”Don Shoaf周五告诉TODAY的Meredith Vieira。 “我仍然感到惊讶。”





“我经历了很多艰难时期,”她在逃跑后几个月承认道。 “我还在通过它。”

绑架她的男子是一名36岁的失业建筑工人Vinson Filyaw,他是一名独立且无关的性侵犯案件的嫌犯。他在他的预告片旁边建造的掩体装满了罐头食品和色情内容,还装有泰瑟枪,手铐和枪支.






当她的母亲收到其中一条消息时,克肖郡的警察将其发布给媒体,伊丽莎白记得在广播时用Filyaw观看沙坑中的小电视。警方已经对手机发出的信号进行了三角测量,她和Filyaw看到直升飞机从头顶飞过,现在这条新闻报道充满了恐惧 – 而且愤怒.

“我很害怕我会死,”她说那一刻。 “他很生气。我不知道该怎么办。“






去年9月,Filyaw承认一切并承认有罪而不是受审,被判处421年监禁,没有假释的可能性。 Madeline和Don Shoaf并不认为惩罚是足够的,并希望他对他们的女儿所做的事情有死刑.

“我不认为他应该被允许活得那么久,并且依靠我们生活,”Madeline Shoaf说。 “我只是觉得应该做的其他事情。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Elizabeth Shoaf described the horror she endured with an unimaginable calmness, especially for a teenage girl. 17 months ago, when she was 14 years old, Elizabeth was kidnapped on her way home from school by a man dressed in combat gear who claimed to be a police officer. He handcuffed her, told her she was under arrest, and took her deep into the woods where he stripped her naked and locked her in a narrow, damp “dungeon” he had dug next to his trailer. He raped her several times a day for 10 consecutive days. No one saved her, the girl saved herself. Her parents, Madeline and Don Shoaf, are still amazed by her courage and strength. “Ive been watching her, thinking about what she went through and how she did it,” Don Shoaf told TODAYs Meredith Vieira on Friday. “Im still amazed.” The Shoafs talked about Elizabeths ordeal today. Tonight, they will delve deeper into the issue on NBCs “Dateline.” Elizabeth is now 16 years old and in her second year of high school. Since the moment she was rescued, she has openly talked about her pain, knowing that the full impact of what she went through will only hit her later. Today, she talks about it quietly and openly, her words accompanied by the Mona Lisa smile. “Ive been through a lot of tough times,” she admitted a few months after her escape. “Im still going through it.” The man who kidnapped her was a 36-year-old unemployed construction worker named Vinson Filyaw, who was a suspect in an unrelated and independent sexual assault case. The bunker he built next to his trailer was filled with canned food and pornography, as well as tasers, handcuffs, and firearms. When Elizabeth did not come home from school on September 6, 2006, her parents called the police. Despite the lack of evidence that she had been kidnapped, her case was initially treated as a runaway, although her parents insisted that their daughter would never run away from home. But even when the police treated her disappearance as a kidnapping and immediately broadcast an Amber alert, it was to no avail. She was completely on her own in a secluded, trapped underground bunker deep in the woods. She said she kept her spirits up by thinking about

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