当Nastia Liukin在里约热内卢的时候,你可以租她华丽的家园

当Nastia Liukin在里约热内卢的时候,你可以租她华丽的家园

想在里约期间坐在Nastia Liukin的房子里吗?这位退休的体操运动员和奥运冠军正在Airbnb上出租她豪华的高层波士顿港公寓,而她正在为2016年奥运会做评论。 Liukin和她的未婚夫Matt Lombardi分享了Beantown的空间.

柳 Liukin is engaged to boyfriend Matt Lombardi
Matthew Lombardi和Nastia Liukin将于2015年5月23日在印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯参加Indy 500.Michael Hickey / Getty Images

除了时髦的住宿和从她自己的房子看电视的有趣体验,这一切都是为了一个好的事业。每晚1,250美元上市的所有收益将使一个与Liukin心脏相近的非营利组织Corey C. Griffin基金会受益,该基金会为有需要的家庭提供医疗保健和教育,并为青年男女提供支持网络。创业.

柳 Liukin's home
Nastia Liukin的起居室和厨房制作的Airbnb

一间卧室,一间浴室公寓设有开放式起居室和铺有华丽硬木地板的厨房区。花岗岩台面岛将两个空间隔开,并兼作两人餐桌。不锈钢用具和桃花心木橱柜为厨房带来舒适和奢华的感觉。这个开放式的生活空间是Liukin公寓最喜欢的部分,因为它非常适合娱乐。 “这是一个开放的空间,我们喜欢和朋友一起做饭和闲逛,”Liukin说.

柳 Liukin kitchen
Nastia Liukin的厨房制作的Airbnb


相关:参见Nastia Liukin的早晨例行公事

柳 Liukin bedroom



柳 Liukin bathroom

相关:为什么俄罗斯人不笑? Nastia Liukin回答了我们炙手可热的文化问题



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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the opportunity to rent Nastia Liukins luxurious Boston Harbor apartment on Airbnb during the 2016 Olympics in Rio. The apartment is listed for $1,250 per night, and all proceeds will benefit the Corey C. Griffin Foundation, which provides healthcare and education to families in need and supports youth entrepreneurship. The apartment features a bedroom, bathroom, open living room, and kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Guests can also use the buildings amenities, including a swimming pool, fitness center, and movie room. Interested individuals can find more information on Airbnb.com.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the opportunity to rent Nastia Liukins luxurious Boston Harbor apartment on Airbnb during the 2016 Olympics in Rio. The apartment is listed for $1,250 per night, and all proceeds will benefit the Corey C. Griffin Foundation, which provides healthcare and education to families in need and supports youth entrepreneurship. The apartment features a bedroom, bathroom, open living room, and kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Guests can also use the buildings amenities, including a swimming pool, fitness center, and movie room. Interested individuals can find more information on Airbnb.com.

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