戴着手铐的老师Deyshia Hargrave在学校董事会会议上公开了她的被捕

戴着手铐的老师Deyshia Hargrave在学校董事会会议上公开了她的被捕


在中学英语老师周一晚上在Vermilion教区学校董事会会议上发表讲话后,Deyshia Hargrave遭到戏剧性逮捕的视频引发了愤怒。.

在学校董事会会议上被戴上手铐的老师Deyshia Hargrave说出来


“我一直在想,’这真的发生了。他真的是这样做的,“她在接受美国全国广播公司新闻采访时说道。 “令人遗憾的是,一个女人必须被强行,猛烈地从董事会会议中移除,才能让人们开始关怀。”



一个 marshal throws Deyshia Hargrave out of Vermilion Parish School Board's meeting on Monday.
星期一,一名元帅将Deyshia Hargrave赶出了Vermilion教区学校董事会的会议. 今天

“并且意识到我的学生将会看到视频而我必须在第二天去上班,”她说。 “我教五年级和六年级学生,所以我不确定他们会怎么想。”








“我不支持我们的人被捕。我不。然而,一个人必须遵守规则,“Vermilion Parish主管Jerome Puyau说,他现在每年通过他的新加薪筹集约14万美元.




“我的姐妹们,我的家人 – 我们都是教育工作者,”他说。 “这对我们的家人,任何人的家人,以及在Vermilion Parish的任何人都不公平。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    This Louisiana teacher, Deyshia Hargrave, was handcuffed after being fired by the school board for questioning the superintendents high salary increase. In her first interview after being arrested, she spoke out and encouraged others to take a stand. The dramatic arrest video sparked outrage after Hargrave spoke at a Vermilion Parish School Board meeting on Monday night. When she publicly questioned the district superintendents $30,000 raise, which she and her fellow teachers had not seen in nearly a decade, a marshal escorted her out of the meeting and arrested her. Hargrave said she found the video of her arrest disturbing and embarrassing. She teaches fifth and sixth grade students and was worried about how they would react to seeing the video. However, everything went smoothly the next day. “They were fine, so I was fine,” she said. During the meeting, Hargrave spoke directly to the superintendent after the school board allowed audience comments and voting to approve his raise. She called it a “slap in the face.” “How are you taking this money because its basically taken out of the pockets of teachers?” Hargrave asked, prompting the school board president to bang his gavel and call her comments “not very ladylike.” Law enforcement officials said Hargrove would not be charged and the district had no plans to discipline her. “I dont support our people being arrested. I dont. However, one has to follow the rules,” said Vermilion Parish Superintendent Jerome Puyau, who now raises about $140,000 a year through his new raise. Puyau said the salary increase brought his salary up to the level of his peers. He also pointed out that his district ranks sixth and his salary ranks 57th. “When she questions whether you should get a raise, cant you use it better in the classroom? You can use more money in the classroom, but when is it a good time for managers to get a raise?” Puyau said. He said his family had been bombarded with death threats since Monday nights meeting. “My sisters, my family – were all educators,” he said. “This is unfair to our families, anyones families, and anyone in Vermilion Parish.” Hargrave said she hoped to receive an

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