


除了第一Lt.Bo Farrell不在阿富汗。他曾在南本德竞技场度过了一个令人惊喜的假期聚会,已经有七个月了.


马特 Farrell, left, is surprised by his brother Bo Farrell
Notre Dame控球后卫Matt Farrell和他的哥哥,第一中尉Bo Farrell,在周一晚上战斗爱尔兰队的比赛之后Bo惊讶Matt度假之后,分享了一个含泪的拥抱. 罗伯特富兰克林/美联社


自从Bo在5月份部署以来,Notre Dame主教练Mike Brey及其工作人员一直在悄悄地计划重聚.


马特 Farrell, Bo Farrell
离开的时候,Notre Dame的Matt Farrell和他的兄弟Bo Farrell在惊喜之后拥抱了他们的家人. 罗伯特富兰克林/美联社

“他找到了我,”马特后来告诉记者。 “我们对圣诞节的要求不高,所以这是我见过的最好的礼物。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the emotional reunion of Notre Dame basketball player Matt Farrell and his brother, First Lt. Bo Farrell, who surprised him with a video message after being deployed in Afghanistan for seven months. The team had been planning the reunion in secret, and Matt was brought to tears when he saw his brother in person after their game against the Irish. The heartwarming moment was captured on video and shared on social media, touching the hearts of many.

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