كيف أثبت هذا المراهق أن قواعد اللباس في مدرسته لديها معيار مزدوج

كيف أثبت هذا المراهق أن قواعد اللباس في مدرسته لديها معيار مزدوج

عندما لاحظ مراهق من ولاية كاليفورنيا أن العديد من الطالبات في مدرسته الثانوية يتعرضن للعقاب لارتدائهن ما كان يعتقد أنه ملابس مقبولة تمامًا ، وضع خطة ذكية احتجاجًا.

ظهر فيليب رودريغيز ، البالغ من العمر 17 عامًا ، في الصفوف ليوم واحد في أكتوبر / تشرين الأول وهو يرتدي قميصًا أبيض اللون وبنطلون جينز منخفض يكشف عن ملابسه الداخلية – وهو انتهاك واضح لقواعد اللباس.

“أردت أن أرى ، حسناً ، إذا كانت الفتيات يرتدين الثياب لذلك ، ماذا أفعل لو فعلت ذلك؟” قال رودريغيز ، أحد كبار طلاب مدرسة هايينيم الثانوية في أوكسنارد بكاليفورنيا ، لطراز TODAY.

وقال رودريجيز إنه توصل إلى الفكرة بعد موجة حر شديدة ، عندما شاهد العديد من الطالبات في مدرسته يواجهن مشاكل في ملابسهن. شهدت مدينة جنوب كاليفورنيا حرارة قياسية في أواخر شهر أكتوبر ، مع درجات حرارة أعلى من 100 درجة لأيام على التوالي.

“كان الجو حارا جدا” ، قال رودريجيز. “هؤلاء الفتيات ، لا يريدون ارتداء السراويل. انهم يريدون ارتداء شيء مريح … لذلك كانوا يرتدون الأشياء التي من شأنها أن تكشف عن أكتافهم ، أو القليل من المعدة هنا وهناك. والسراويل. لكنهم سيحصلون دائما على ملابس مشفرة له. شعرت أن ذلك لم يكن صحيحًا تمامًا. “

وأوضح أن “ارتداء ملابس مشفرة” يمكن أن يشمل أي شيء من إرساله إلى المنزل ليتم إخباره بتغيير شخصيات السلطة في المدرسة.

لذا قام رودريجيز بقص قميص هانس الأبيض وارتدى قميص المحصول المؤقت إلى المدرسة في 26 أكتوبر. بينما كان المدرسون يشعرون بالبهجة ، لم يواجه أي مشكلة في الزي ،.

وقال: “لقد فوجئوا فقط”. “لم يقلوا شيئًا سيئًا. كانوا يتساءلون معي ، مثل هذا غريب – لماذا ارتديت ذلك؟

أرخى رودريجيز احتجاجه على تويتر ، ومنذ ذلك الحين صارت صور لباسه منتشرة. وقال لـ TODAY Style إنه كان يحاول إثبات نقطة أن الطالبات مستهدفات بشكل غير عادل من خلال الزي المدرسي. كما يريد أيضًا أن يوضح أنه لا يشتت انتباهه عن ملابسه ، نظرًا لأن غالبًا ما يتم الاستشهاد به كسبب لفرض قواعد قواعد الملابس.

“حروب خزانة الملابس” كطلاب ، والمدارس تتقاتل على قواعد اللباس


وقال: “لن أحدق في أكتاف بعض الفتيات لمدة 30 دقيقة”. “من الغريب جدًا أن ترتدي ملابس أحد الأشخاص لأنها تشتت انتباهه. أنا لست مشتتًا “.

لكن هل حصل المسؤولون على الرسالة؟ رودريغيز غير متأكد. لم تستجب المدرسة بعد لطلب TODAY للتعليق.

قال المراهق إنه مندهش من كل الاهتمام الذي تحظى به قصته ، ويشتبه الآن في أن قوانين اللباس هي قضية أكبر مما أدركه.

وقال رودريجيز “ربما لم تكن مدرستنا الوحيدة التي لديها مشكلة”. “من الواضح أنني لم أتوقع حدوث ذلك.”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    When a teenager from California noticed that many girls in his high school were being punished for wearing what he thought were perfectly acceptable clothes, he came up with a smart protest plan. Phillip Rodriguez, 17, appeared in class for one day in October wearing a white shirt and low-rise jeans that revealed his underwear – a clear violation of dress rules. “I told you I would do it, arrest me tomorrow wearing this to see if Im wearing a dress,” he tweeted on October 26, 2017. “I wanted to see, well, if the girls were wearing clothes for it, what would I do if I did it?” Rodriguez, a senior at Hueneme High School in Oxnard, California, told TODAY Style. Rodriguez said he came up with the idea after a severe heat wave, when he saw many girls in his school having trouble with their clothes. Southern California experienced record heat in late October, with temperatures above 100 degrees for days on end. “It was very hot,” Rodriguez said. “These girls dont want to wear pants. They want to wear something comfortable… so they were wearing things that would show their shoulders, or a little bit of stomach here and there. And shorts. But theyll always get dress-coded for it. I felt that wasnt fair at all.” He explained that “wearing dress-coded clothes” could include anything from sending him home to be told about changes in authority figures at school. So Rodriguez cut a white Hanes shirt and wore a temporary crop top to school on October 26. While the teachers were amused, he had no problem with the dress code. “They were just surprised,” he said. “They didnt say anything bad. They were wondering with me, like, this is weird – why did you wear that?” Rodriguez relaxed his protest on Twitter, and since then pictures of his dress have been circulating. He told TODAY Style that he was trying to prove a point that female students were unfairly targeted by school dress codes. He also wants to make it clear that he is not distracted by his clothes, as he is often cited as a reason for enforcing dress rules. “Im not distracted by some girls shoulders for 30 minutes,” he said. “Its very strange to wear someones clothes because it distracts him.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    When a teenager from California noticed that many girls in his high school were being punished for wearing what he thought were perfectly acceptable clothes, he came up with a smart protest plan. Phillip Rodriguez, 17, appeared in class for one day in October wearing a white shirt and low-rise jeans that revealed his underwear – a clear violation of dress rules. “I told you I would do it, arrest me tomorrow wearing this to see if Im wearing a dress,” he tweeted on October 26, 2017. “I wanted to see, well, if the girls were wearing clothes for it, what would I do if I did it?” Rodriguez, a senior at Hueneme High School in Oxnard, California, told TODAY Style. Rodriguez said he came up with the idea after a severe heat wave, when he saw many girls in his school having trouble with their clothes. Southern California experienced record heat in late October, with temperatures above 100 degrees for days on end. “It was very hot,” Rodriguez said. “These girls dont want to wear pants. They want to wear something comfortable… so they were wearing things that would show their shoulders, or a little bit of stomach here and there. And pants. But theyll always get dress-coded for it. I felt that wasnt fair at all.” He explained that “wearing dress-coded clothes” could include anything from sending him home to be told about changes in authority figures at school. So Rodriguez cut a white Hanes shirt and wore a temporary crop top to school on October 26. While the teachers were amused, he had no problem with the dress code. “They were just surprised,” he said. “They didnt say anything bad. They were wondering with me, like, this is weird – why did you wear that?” Rodriguez relaxed his protest on Twitter, and since then pictures of his dress have been circulating. He told TODAY Style that he was trying to prove a point that female students are unfairly targeted by school dress codes. He also wants to make it clear that he is not distracted by his clothes, as he is often cited as a reason for enforcing dress rules. “Im not distracted by some girls shoulders for 30 minutes,” he said. “Its very strange to wear someones clothes because it distracts him.

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