صوّت لباس العروس الذي يجب أن يرتديه في حفل زفاف اليوم
دعونا نسمع عن وصيفات الشرف!
لقد اخترت بالفعل فستان زفاف وتوكسيدو لعرسنا الخاص اليوم TODAY ، كايل وجوردن. الآن ، نحن نكشف عن فساتين العروس التي سوف يرتديها كايل.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ستحظى إحدى المعجبين المحظوظين بفرصة للحصول على المتعة من خلال الدخول للفوز بـ 10000 دولار في لعبة ping من كفيلنا Zola ، وهي شركة جديدة للتخطيط وتنظيم حفلات الزفاف. Comcast ، الشركة الأم ، هي مستثمر في Zola.
و الفائز هو…
…يصلح مصقول!
هذا الفستان من ماركة شقيقة Anthropologie ، BHLDN ، هو تعريف البولندية. يتميز هذا الحذاء بحزام رفيع ورباطات عالية وحزام من حجر الراين يضفي الهواء على حفل زفاف ملكي. مصنوع من الساتان ، كما يتميز بثوب عريض بطبعات زنبركية وظهر مفتوح ، وكلاهما يضيف النداء الرومانسي إلى هذا الفستان.
انظر الخيارات الأخرى:
يتدفق الخامس الرقبة
هذا الخيار الكلاسيكي من قبل وايت من فيرا وانغ من دايفد برايدال هو كلاسيكي وخالدة كما هو جميل. مع تنورة متدلية ، ياقة V وخصر محيطي بأزهار ، فمن المؤكد أن تملق أي نوع من أنواع الجسم. كما تمنحها مادة الشيفون شعورًا لطيفًا وناعمًا يكمل أي احتفال.
المرح بذلة
في حين أن هذه النظرة ليست الأكثر تقليدية ، فمن المؤكد أن تقوم بإصدار بيان متطور. سوف تكون هذه بذلة الشهرة والشهرة مريحة للرقص بينما يحافظ نمط الساق والساق أحادي اللون على الشكل الرسمي. هذا سيكون الزي المثالي لارتداء وصيفات الشرف مرة أخرى في وقت لاحق.
تعرف على الفائزين في حفل اليوم التالي
تأكد من البقاء على اتصال مع الساعة الرابعة من هذا الأسبوع وقريبا للتصويت على كل شيء من كعكة الزفاف إلى وجهة شهر العسل – لديك بعض القرارات المثيرة في المستقبل!
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Vote for the brides dress that she should wear at the wedding party today, Jan. 24, 2018, 05:51. Lets hear about the bridesmaids! I have already chosen a wedding dress and tuxedo for our special wedding today, Kyle and Jordan. Now, we reveal the brides dresses that Kyle will wear. In addition, one lucky fan will have the chance to have fun by entering to win $10,000 in a ping game from our sponsor Zola, a new company for wedding planning and organization. Comcast, the parent company, is an investor in Zola. And the winner is… …polished! Today, this dress from Anthropologies sister brand, BHLDN, is the definition of polish. This shoe features a thin belt, high laces, and a rhinestone belt that adds air to a royal wedding. Made of satin, it also features a wide dress with zigzag prints and an open back, both adding romantic appeal to this dress. See other options: The fifth-neckline Zac Posen / Today, this classic option by White by Vera Wang from Davids Bridal is classic and timeless as it is beautiful. With a drooping skirt, V-neck, and floral waist, it is sure to flatter any body type. The chiffon material also gives it a nice and soft feel that complements any celebration. The fun Zac Posen / Today suit While this look is not the most traditional, it is sure to make a sophisticated statement. This suit will be comfortable for dancing while the monochrome leg and leg style maintain the formal shape. This will be the perfect outfit for bridesmaids to wear again later. Get to know the winners at the next days party, Jan. 22, 2018, 06:47. Be sure to stay tuned for 4 pm this week and soon to vote on everything from wedding cakes to honeymoon destinations – you have some exciting decisions in the future!
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
Vote for the brides dress that she should wear at the wedding party today, Jan. 24, 2018, 05:51. Lets hear about the bridesmaids! I have already chosen a wedding dress and tuxedo for our special wedding today, Kyle and Jordan. Now, we reveal the brides dresses that Kyle will wear. In addition, one lucky fan will have the chance to have fun by entering to win $10,000 in a ping game from our sponsor Zola, a new company for wedding planning and organization. Comcast, the parent company, is an investor in Zola. And the winner is… …polished! Today, this dress from Anthropologies sister brand, BHLDN, is the definition of polish. This shoe features a thin belt, high laces, and a rhinestone belt that adds air to a royal wedding. Made of satin, it also features a wide dress with zigzag prints and an open back, both adding romantic appeal to this dress. See other options: The fifth-neckline Zac Posen / Today, this classic option by White by Vera Wang from Davids Bridal is classic and timeless as it is beautiful. With a drooping skirt, V-neck, and floral waist, it is sure to flatter any body type. The chiffon material also gives it a nice and soft feel that complements any celebration. The fun Zac Posen / Today suit While this look is not the most traditional, it is sure to make a sophisticated statement. This suit will be comfortable for dancing while the monochrome leg and leg style maintain the formal shape. This will be the perfect outfit for bridesmaids to wear again later. Get to know the winners at the next days party, Jan. 22, 2018, 06:47. Be sure to stay tuned for 4 pm this week and soon to vote on everything from wedding cakes to honeymoon destinations – you have some exciting decisions in the future!