بيركنستوك تعود ، حبيبي! نعم ، تقرأ هذا الحق.
دعوني اعمل نسخة احتياطية: في رحلة طفلة حديثة إلى الشاطئ ، اكتشفت صديقي الرياضي وهو يحمل زوجًا من أشجار بيركنستوك ذات اللون الوردي الزاهي. وبطبيعة الحال ، كنت صدمت قليلاً ، بالنظر إلى أن بيركس المشرق ذو اللون الساطع قريب بشكل خطير من إقليم كروكس ، وهو ليس المكان الذي أضع فيه أسلوبها. ولكن ، على ما يبدو ، والعودة كروكس ، أيضا … كروكس عالية الكعب. وهناك مجموعة من الأحذية “القبيحة” الأخرى تتجه!
وأوضحت أنهم كانوا مقاوم للماء ، ومريح بشكل لا يصدق ، وآمنون بما فيه الكفاية للتنزه عبر الرمال وأفضل ما في الأمر ، فقط 40 دولارًا. بعد اتخاذها صنادلها الوردية الساخنة من أجل تدور ، وافقت تماما ، وقعت في الحب واشتريت زوج لنفسي.
اخترت الزوج الأبيض ، الذي قد تجد غير عملي بشكل لا يصدق. لكن اسمعني!
بيركنستوك أريزونا إيسينشالز إيفا الصنادل ، 39 دولارا ، الأمازون
يهتم المحررون والكتاب والخبراء اليوم بالتوصية بعناصر نود فعلاً ونأمل أن تستمتع بها! فقط لكي تعرف ، TODAY لا تملك علاقات تابعة. لذلك ، في حين يتم اختيار كل منتج بشكل مستقل ، وإذا اشتريت شيئًا من خلال روابطنا ، فقد نحصل على حصة صغيرة من الأرباح.
بيركنستوك أريزونا إيسينشالز إيفا صنادل
$ 39الأمازون
تتوفر أيضًا في الألوان والأساليب الأخرى في Nordstrom و Urban Outfitters و Zappos.
نظرًا لأنها مصنوعة من مادة اصطناعية ، يمكنك مسحها حرفياً بمسح Clorox أو قطعة قماش مبللة وإعادتها إلى مجدها الجديد من الصندوق. كما أنها خفيفة الوزن ، مما يجعلها الأحذية المثالية للارتداء إلى اليوغا ، أو لحزم العطلات أو ارتدائها أثناء تنقلاتي ، ثم ارميها في حقيبة يد بمجرد وصولي إلى المكتب..
ميزة أخرى ، بغض النظر عن السعر ، هي مجموعة متنوعة من الألوان والأساليب المتاحة. هل اللون الأزرق المفضل لديك؟ ليس هناك أى مشكلة! هل تفضل صندل ثونغ؟ لديك في ذلك! من الجيد أن نلاحظ ، على الرغم من ذلك ، أنهم من الجنسين ، لذا فإن معرفة حجمك أمر صعب بعض الشيء في بعض المواقع. كمرجع ، أرتدي مقاس 8 نسائي ، والذي يترجم إلى حجم أوروبي 39 أو مقاس 6 رجال.
دعونا نجلب بيركنستوك! سوف تشكرك قدميك – ومحفظتك -.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Arabic to English:
“Birkenstock is back, my love! Yes, you read that right. Let me make a backup copy: on a recent trip to the beach with a newborn baby, my athletic friend discovered a pair of bright pink Birkenstock trees. Naturally, I was a little shocked, considering that the bright Birks are dangerously close to Crocs territory, which is not where I put my style. But, it seems, Crocs are also coming back… high-heeled Crocs. And theres a range of other “ugly” shoes trending! And they explained that they were waterproof, incredibly comfortable, and safe enough to hike through the sand and best of all, only $40. After trying on her hot pink sandals for a spin, I wholeheartedly agreed, fell in love, and bought a pair for myself. These waterproof Birkenstocks are perfect for my trip, strolls, and of course, the beach! Sarah Bracy Ben / Sarah Bracy Ben I chose the white pair, which you may find incredibly impractical. But listen to me! Birkenstock Arizona Essentials Eva Sandals, $39, Amazon Editors, writers, and experts today care about recommending items we really like and hope youll enjoy! Just so you know, TODAY doesnt have affiliate relationships. So, while every product is independently selected, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue. Birkenstock Arizona Essentials Eva Sandals $39 Amazon They are also available in other colors and styles at Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, and Zappos. Since they are made of synthetic material, you can literally wipe them with Clorox or a damp cloth and return them to their new box glory. They are also lightweight, making them the perfect shoes to wear to yoga, pack for vacation, or wear while commuting, then toss them in a handbag as soon as I arrive at the office. Another advantage, regardless of the price, is the variety of colors and styles available. Is blue your favorite color? No problem! Do you prefer a thong sandal? You have it! Its good to note, however, that they are unisex, so knowing your size is a bit tricky on some sites. As a reference, I wear a
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Arabic to English:
“Birkenstock is back, my love! Yes, you read that right. Let me make a backup copy: on a recent trip to the beach with a newborn baby, my athletic friend discovered a pair of bright pink Birkenstock trees. Naturally, I was a little shocked, considering that the bright Birks are dangerously close to Crocs territory, which is not where I put my style. But, it seems, Crocs are also coming back… high-heeled Crocs. And theres a range of other “ugly” shoes trending! And they explained that they were waterproof, incredibly comfortable, and safe enough to hike through the sand and best of all, only $40. After trying on her hot pink sandals for a spin, I wholeheartedly agreed, fell in love, and bought a pair for myself. These waterproof Birkenstocks are perfect for my trip, strolls, and of course, the beach! Sarah Bracy Ben / Sarah Bracy Ben I chose the white pair, which you may find incredibly impractical. But listen to me! Birkenstock Arizona Essentials Eva Sandals, $39, Amazon Editors, writers, and experts care today to recommend items we really like and hope youll enjoy! Just so you know, TODAY doesnt have affiliate relationships. So, while every product is independently selected, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue. Birkenstock Arizona Essentials Eva Sandals $39 Amazon They are also available in other colors and styles at Nordstrom, Urban Outfitters, and Zappos. Since they are made of synthetic material, you can literally wipe them with Clorox or a damp cloth and return them to their new box glory. They are also lightweight, making them the perfect shoes to wear to yoga, pack for vacation, or wear while commuting, then toss them in a handbag as soon as I arrive at the office. Another advantage, regardless of the price, is the variety of colors and styles available. Is blue your favorite color? No problem! Do you prefer a thong sandal? You have it! Its good to note, however, that they are unisex, so knowing your size is a bit tricky on some sites. As a reference, I wear a