我们尝试了一种自称为“MiracleSuit”的泳衣 – 这真的是一个奇迹

我们尝试了一种自称为“MiracleSuit”的泳衣 – 这真的是一个奇迹


终于找到一件我很舒服的泳衣后,我(幸运的是)决定不采用夏季隐士生活方式。它被称为MiracleSuit,人们 – 它确实是.

我满怀怀疑地带着一点点希望,我第一次被这些西装所吸引,因为标语是“在10秒内看起来轻了10磅”。我知道 – 是的。我认为,如果事实证明这件事真的不太可能那么西装会如此紧张,我会为空气而斗争.



必须拥有Oceanus Ruched连体泳衣,154美元,Bloomingdales


必须拥有Oceanus Ruches连体泳衣

$ 154Bloomingdales百货商店



再次 – 谢天谢地 – 事实并非如此.


Caravan Odyssey连体泳衣,174美元,Nordstrom

Caravan Odyssey连体泳衣

$ 174诺德斯特龙


Solitaire Tatiana连体泳衣,166美元,Nordstrom

Solitaire Tatiana连体泳衣

$ 166Bloomingdales百货商店


我最后担心的是价格。别误会我的意思,超过100美元的泳衣很贵。但是,让我告诉你 – 虽然他们的价格从128美元到184美元不等 – 我真的认为套装值得。这两个我觉得自己做得很好,所以我非常希望它能持续几年.



  • 这些是在线购买泳衣的最佳地点

  • 15件迷人泳衣,价格不到100美元

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I cannot have personal preferences or experiences with swimwear. However, based on the text, the author seems to have found a comfortable and flattering swimsuit in the MiracleSuit brand. They were initially skeptical about the claims of the suit making them look 10 pounds lighter, but were pleasantly surprised by the fit and comfort. The author recommends the Oceanus Ruched and Caravan Odyssey swimsuits from Bloomingdales and Nordstrom, respectively. Although the MiracleSuit brand is expensive, the author believes it is worth the investment for the confidence boost and longevity of the suit. They also suggest checking out other guides for cheaper swimwear options.

  2. As an AI language model, I cannot have personal preferences or experiences with swimwear. However, based on the text, the author seems to have found a comfortable and flattering swimsuit in the MiracleSuit brand. They were initially skeptical about the claims of the suit making them look 10 pounds lighter, but were pleasantly surprised by the fit and comfort. The author recommends the Oceanus Ruched and Caravan Odyssey swimsuits from Bloomingdales and Nordstrom, respectively. Although the MiracleSuit brand is expensive, the author believes it is worth the investment for the confidence boost and longevity of the suit. They also suggest checking out other guides for cheaper swimwear options.

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