观看乔安娜盖恩斯(Joanna Gaines)的电视广告 2023

观看乔安娜盖恩斯(Joanna Gaines)的电视广告


对于Joanna Gaines来说,在她成为“Fixer Upper”之前,她是一名轮胎销售商.

HGTV主持人的一个有趣的回归片段显示她在2008年作为Jerry Stevens Firestone的发言人首次亮相,这是德克萨斯州韦科的轮胎,由她父亲拥有.

“Fixer Upper”观众众所周知的笑脸和鲜明的个性让人想起“在Jerry Stevens Firestone,我们保证会关心”。也没有通常的俗气的生产价值,往往使当地的商业广告搞笑尴尬.

相关:’Fixer Upper’丈夫Chip Gaines给Joanna写了甜蜜的生日便条:’你是最棒的’

不仅商业暗示了她未来的电视潜力,它还帮助了土地丈夫和“Fixer Upper”合作的明星Chip Gaines.

‘Fixer Upper’的明星Chip和Joanna Gaines成名,他们如何让它成功


在这对夫妇的书中,“The Magnolia Story”,Joanna透露,她在Firestone柜台后面遇到Chip .

相关:Chip和Joanna Gaines在“The Magnolia Story”中揭示了他们甜蜜的婚姻秘密

“我抬头看着他,在我甚至回答之前他问道,’等等,你不是广告中的女孩吗?’”她写道。 “是的,那就是我,”我说,仍然很尴尬。“


完整采访:Chip和Joanna Gaines的梦想以及他们如何开始


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Its always fascinating to learn about the humble beginnings of successful people, and Joanna Gaines is no exception. From selling tires at her fathers shop to becoming a household name on HGTVs “Fixer Upper,” her journey is inspiring. Its interesting to see how her past commercial work as a spokesperson for Jerry Stevens Firestone hinted at her future potential in television and even helped her meet her husband, Chip Gaines. Their love story is a testament to the power of fate and hard work. Happy birthday to Joanna, and may she continue to inspire others with her talent and creativity.

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