Al Roker帮助双胞胎为她的妹妹带来了终极的感恩节惊喜 2023

Al Roker帮助双胞胎为她的妹妹带来了终极的感恩节惊喜


周三,Al Roker参观了奥兰多的瓦伦西亚社区学院,参加了今天的TODAY土耳其小跑系列的最新一期,他正在全国各地寻找下一位感恩节超级厨师,Sasha Sinjic的下巴就在场。.



Sasha由她的双胞胎姐妹Sonja提名,当Food Network的明星Sunny Anderson也在课堂上加入她时,她获得了额外的惊喜。.

相关:Al Roker,Bobby Flay让当地火鸡煎炸英雄的感恩节梦想成真



火鸡 Trot: Al with twins
如果Al Roker和Sunny Anderson在大学课堂中让他们感到惊讶,那么Sasha Sincic就会让任何人都能面对面. 今天







Sasha的家人也加入了他们的巨大惊喜,让Al气喘吁吁地让Al气喘吁吁地邀请她到土耳其小跑公共汽车来鞭打布鲁塞尔豆芽食谱。 Sunny展示了如何在假期里制作布鲁塞尔豆芽沙拉.


Al Roker,Bobby Flay让一个男人的感恩节梦想成真


在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

  艾米舒默收回了她的家人失去的农场 - 并把它交给了她的父亲

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses a talented chef and TV personality who was surprised by Al Roker and Sunny Anderson during a cooking class at Valencia Community College in Orlando. The chef, Sasha Sinjic, was nominated by her twin sister and was thrilled to receive the surprise visit. Sashas goal is to host her own cooking show and share her passion with others. The article also mentions her signature dish, Brussels sprouts, which is highly requested by her family during Thanksgiving. Overall, the article highlights the excitement and surprise of Sashas experience with Al Roker and Sunny Anderson.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses a talented chef and TV personality who was surprised by Al Roker and Sunny Anderson during a cooking class at Valencia Community College in Orlando. The chef, Sasha Sinjic, was nominated by her twin sister and was thrilled to receive the surprise visit. Sashas goal is to host her own cooking show and share her passion with others. The article also mentions her signature dish, Brussels sprouts, which is highly requested by her family during Thanksgiving. Overall, the article highlights the excitement and surprise of Sashas experience with Al Roker and Sunny Anderson.

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