改头换面! NBC页面计划焕然一新

改头换面! NBC页面计划焕然一新

这些天,“NBC页面”这个词让人联想起欢快的“30 Rock”角色Kenneth Parcell.

今天 -- Pictured: Jack McBrayer appears on NBC News'
Jack McBrayer在“30 Rock”上扮演虚构页面Kenneth Parcell,今天出现在实际页面的两​​侧.彼得克莱默/今天

虽然Parcell可能在黄金时间为NBC页面计划命名,但页面自1933年以来一直是NBC的重要组成部分。该计划已经毕业了杰出的校友,包括电视名人Regis Philbin,女演员Aubrey Plaza,前迪士尼首席执行​​官Michael Eisner,NBC新闻’Ted Koppel和TODAY自己的Willard Scott.


从2014年1月开始,网页将为Cintas的旅行团提供旅游和迎宾服务,而不是灰色的Brooks Brothers穿着白色衬衫和抛光黑色鞋子的西装。这是90年代穿蓝色和灰色涤纶制服页面的升级版.



每隔几年,制服就会得到改进 – 他们最后在2008年获得75周年纪念款式,当时通过TODAY.com投票选出了新制服. 

新兴健康信息技术部助理主任卡尔·贝利斯(Carl Baylis)记得1965年至1966年期间穿着一件非常朴素的深蓝色双排扣西装.

NBC PAGES & GUIDES -- 1946 -- Pictured: NBC pagettes in the Rec Room on April 1, 1946 -- Photo by: NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

“我们不得不穿白色无领衬衫,每个都有纸领,我们不得不用衬衫贴在衬衫上,所以我们总是看起来很惊人,”Baylis告诉TODAY.com。 “它很僵硬,不舒服!”

“Tonight Show”主持人Johnny Carson(坐着)在1970年与一组NBC页面合影.今天

尽管服装很尴尬,但Baylis并没有忘记这些令人惊叹的体验,比如观看“Johnny Carson的今夜秀”排练,并协助Perry Como和Sammy Davis Jr的特别节目.

NBC PAGES & GUIDES -- Pictured: NBC Page model Adam Gayeck in April, 1935 -- Photo by: NBC/NBCU Photo Bank
看起来很敏锐NBC页面模型Adam Gayeck于1935年4月穿着制服 今天


根据前页Edward Berenhaus的说法,到了20世纪70年代,制服已经改变以反映公司服装。 Berenhaus目前是Watchitoo的电视和在线媒体专家,从1975年到1976年是一个页面,也是该计划中第一个参加“周六夜现场”活动的人之一。

“(制服)非常时髦,”他告诉TODAY.com。 “我们穿着蓝色衬衫,红色领带,蓝色西装外套和灰色裤子。女人们穿着蓝色外套和蓝色裙子,“他说.


“我从滚石乐队护送Mick Jagger和Ronnie Wood到他们的座位,观众们开始疯狂,”他回忆说。 “有一种嗡嗡声,一种像原子弹一样散开的能量,突然间每个人都知道他们在房间里.


有一个原因,该计划每年收到大约16,000份申请,并且接受的申请不到2% – 这使得它比哈佛更难进入.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    These days, the term “NBC Page” brings to mind the cheerful “30 Rock” character Kenneth Parcell. Jack McBrayer played the fictional page Kenneth Parcell on “30 Rock,” and today he appears on either side of the actual pages. Although Parcell may have named the NBC Page program during its golden age, the program has been an important part of NBC since 1933. The program has graduated outstanding alumni, including TV personality Regis Philbin, actress Aubrey Plaza, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, NBC News Ted Koppel, and TODAYs own Willard Scott. This year, the program is celebrating its 80th anniversary, and its pages have been revamped. Starting in January 2014, the pages will provide travel and hospitality services for Cintas, rather than wearing gray Brooks Brothers suits with white shirts and polished black shoes. This is an upgraded version of the blue and gray polyester uniforms worn by pages in the 1990s. Every few years, the uniforms get an upgrade – they last received a 75th-anniversary style in 2008, which was voted on by TODAY.com. NBC Page program assistant director Carl Baylis remembers wearing a very plain dark blue double-breasted suit during 1965-1966. NBCs pages enjoyed some downtime on April 1, 1946. “We had to wear white collarless shirts, each with a paper collar, and we had to use shirt stays to keep the shirt tucked in, so we always looked amazing,” Baylis told TODAY.com. “It was stiff and uncomfortable!” Although the clothing was awkward, Baylis has not forgotten the amazing experiences, such as watching rehearsals for “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” and assisting with special shows for Perry Como and Sammy Davis Jr. “It was a group of people having a lot of fun,” he said. According to former page Edward Berenhaus, by the 1970s, the uniforms had changed to reflect company attire. Berenhaus is currently a TV and online media expert for Watchitoo and was a page from 1975-1976 and one of the first to participate in “Saturday Night Live” events in the program. “The uniforms were very fashionable,” he told TODAY.com. “We wore blue shirts, red

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    These days, the term “NBC Page” brings to mind the cheerful “30 Rock” character Kenneth Parcell. Jack McBrayer played the fictional page Kenneth Parcell on “30 Rock,” and today he appears on either side of the actual pages. Although Parcell may have named the NBC Page program during its golden age, the program has been an important part of NBC since 1933. The program has graduated outstanding alumni, including TV personality Regis Philbin, actress Aubrey Plaza, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, NBC News Ted Koppel, and TODAYs own Willard Scott. This year, the program is celebrating its 80th anniversary, and its pages have been revamped. Starting in January 2014, the pages will provide travel and hospitality services for Cintas, rather than wearing gray Brooks Brothers suits with white shirts and polished black shoes. This is an upgraded version of the blue and gray polyester uniforms worn by pages in the 1990s. Every few years, the uniforms get an upgrade – they last received a 75th-anniversary style in 2008, which was voted on by TODAY.com. NBC Page program assistant director Carl Baylis remembers wearing a very plain dark blue double-breasted suit during 1965-1966. NBCs pages enjoyed some downtime on April 1, 1946. “We had to wear white collarless shirts, each with a paper collar, and we had to use shirt stays to keep the shirt tucked in, so we always looked amazing,” Baylis told TODAY.com. “It was stiff and uncomfortable!” Although the clothing was awkward, Baylis has not forgotten the amazing experiences, such as watching rehearsals for “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” and assisting with special shows for Perry Como and Sammy Davis Jr. “It was a group of people having a lot of fun,” he said. According to former page Edward Berenhaus, by the 1970s, the uniforms had changed to reflect company attire. Berenhaus is currently a TV and online media expert for Watchitoo and was a page from 1975-1976 and one of the first to participate in “Saturday Night Live” events in the program. “The uniforms were very fashionable,” he told TODAY.com. “We wore blue shirts, red

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