7张照片证明Willie Geist在各个年龄段都很性感

7张照片证明Willie Geist在各个年龄段都很性感

威利 Geist strikes a pose on the right. At Ridgewood High in New Jersey, he was captain of the football and basketball teams; today, he's the officially sexy co-anchor of our 9 o'clock hour.
Willie Geist在右边摆出一个姿势。在新泽西州里奇伍德高中,他是足球和篮球队的队长;今天,他是我们9点钟的官方性感联合主播.今天/今天

这是官方的:Willie Geist是一个性感,性感的男人。但是在我被纳入“人类最性感的男人”活动之前很久就知道了这一点 – 在“任何年龄的性感”类别下。

是的,即使在成熟的37岁时,今天9点钟的新共同主持人也很性感.Geist的名单包括Joseph Gordon-Levitt,Jason Ritter,Ian Somerhalder,Joe Manganiello和Gilles Marini.


借口 me, nurse? Is this kid mine? They all look the same.
对不起,护士?这小孩是我的吗?它们看起来都一样.Willie Geist /今天
当然, I was the star of my high school basketball team, but consider my teammates: two middle-aged men and a 4-year-old.
当然,我是我高中篮球队的明星,但考虑到我的队友:两个中年男子和一个4岁.Willie Geist /今天
一个 rare snapshot of the very last moment — some 25 years ago — that a female was impressed by my muscles. And she's my little sister.
在大约25年前的最后一刻 – 一个女性对我的肌肉印象深刻的罕见快照。她是我的小妹妹.Willie Geist /今天
因为 nothing says
因为没有什么说“我只是在法国度过了一个学期”,就像一条美国白面包,一件T恤,还有一个带有标签的贝雷帽。.Willie Geist /今天
奇怪, I had my lunch money taken every time I wore this to school.
奇怪的是,每次我穿着这个去学校的时候我都会吃午饭.Willie Geist /今天
啊, the Summer Stock years. I still wear that very combination of neckerchief, short shorts, knee-highs and jazz shoes most Sunday afternoons.
啊,夏季股票年。大多数星期天下午我还穿着短裤,短裤,膝盖和爵士鞋的组合.Willie Geist /今天
一世'll never forget that first limo ride. My wife and I have taken one every day since.
我永远不会忘记第一次乘坐豪华轿车。我和我的妻子每天都服用一次.Willie Geist /今天



msnbc的“Morning Joe”和“Way Too Early”的主持人成为今天上午9点的联合主播.



照片集:Hunky演员Channing Tatum

Willie Geist的妻子:他“一见钟情”

新的第三个小时的10个问题TODAY共同主播Willie Geist

Willie Geist获得了经典的第四小时欢迎(但拒绝将KLG打败)

视频:新主播Willie Geist走下记忆之路

Willie Geist将于今天上午9点共同主持

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