Rossen Reports独家:新Uber功能可在紧急情况下将您连接到911

Rossen Reports独家:新Uber功能可在紧急情况下将您连接到911



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“我们正在与我们的车手和司机交谈,我们知道,如果他们遇到紧急情况,他们会急需帮助,”优步产品管理总监Sachin Kansal说。.



今天的国家调查记者杰夫罗森对这一新功能进行了独家首次展示并展示了它。当他按下Uber应用程序的新安全工具包中的“call 911”按钮时,应用程序立即显示了他的确切位置,车辆的品牌和型号以及车牌号码。罗森将这些信息转发给了接听911电话的调度员,并在五分钟内将警察送到现场.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Starting from Tuesday, you may notice some differences in the Uber application. After a series of attacks, including some cases of driver rape, Uber has introduced a new safety feature that allows you to contact the police directly by pressing a button if you are in danger. This feature is more advanced in some cities starting from Tuesday. “We are talking to our drivers and drivers, and we know that if they encounter an emergency, they will need help,” said Sachin Kansal, Ubers product management director. Ubers new safety feature can directly contact the police in case of emergency. Today, national investigative journalist Jeff Rossen showcased and demonstrated this new feature for the first time exclusively. When he pressed the “call 911” button in Ubers new safety toolkit, the application immediately displayed his exact location, the brand and model of the vehicle, and the license plate number. Rossen forwarded this information to the dispatcher who answered the 911 call and the police were sent to the scene within five minutes. But in six cities, the technology goes further. Uber said the app will automatically send your name, exact location, brand, model, color, and your Uber license plate number to 911 when you press the button, even if you dont speak. The pilot cities that will offer advanced emergency buttons on Tuesday are: Denver, Colorado; Charleston, South Carolina; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Naples, Florida; three cities in Tennessee; and Louisville, Kentucky. In addition, Uber said Nashville, Tennessee will be the next city to get an advanced emergency button on its app. To suggest topics for upcoming investigations, please visit the Rossen Reports Facebook page.

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