今年夏天你可以看到Paul Bunyan的6个地方

今年夏天你可以看到Paul Bunyan的6个地方


民俗学家Jens Lund表示,“北美对强大的人有着浓厚的兴趣,比如丹尼尔布恩,毛皮商人,探矿者和牛仔,他们打开或清除荒野。” “在保罗·班扬,我们将神话实体的超人力量与边疆英雄和荒谬夸张的幽默吸引力结合起来。”





“在1937年,这里有很多伐木场,这座雕像是为冬季嘉年华而建造的,”奥尔森说。 “当时的市长身高6英尺,因此他们将雕像的大小增加了三倍。”

两年后又添加了一只宝贝雕像,蓝牛,从那以后,游客们一直蜂鸟到伯米吉,用超大二人组拍摄他们的照片,并看到班扬的个人物品,包括他的巨人 – 大小的法兰绒衬衫,牙刷,钱包和电话.

在布雷纳德,Paul Bunyan Land游乐园里有一个26英尺高,5,000磅重的Bunyan雕像,头部,手臂和眼睛都是动人的,并且名字叫游客。 “我不能告诉你他怎么知道每个人的名字,”游乐园共同拥有者Lois Smude说。 “这是神奇的一部分。”斯穆德说,这个拥有超过35个游乐设施和景点的公园以及19世纪后期开创古董的村庄,每年6月29日庆祝班扬的生日。.

在明尼苏达州中部,Akeley市(流行音乐432号)有一个25英尺高的Bunyan,手掌伸得很低,足以让游客爬进去拍照。 “在雕像旁边,我们有他的巨型摇篮,”Akeley职员/掌柜Denise Rittgers说。 “对于保罗·班扬的生日,我们没有做任何特别的事,但如果你开车进城,他就在那里,你不能错过他。”

曾被称为“世界木材之都”的缅因州班戈拥有一尊31英尺高的Bunyan雕像。 “尽管保罗的妻子卢切特已经开始尝试让他吃得更健康,但可怜的保罗仍然体重在3700磅左右,”大班戈会议及旅游局营销和促销总监杰西卡·多纳休说。 “保罗也是着名作家和班戈居民斯蒂芬金的朋友,并在1986年国王的小说’它’中被赋予了生命。”



“保罗班扬确实非常有吸引力,特别是在北美的森林地区,”隆德说。 “毫无疑问,伐木和商业林业的衰落也使他在这些地区成为一个完美的怀旧角色。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    According to American folklore, the hero and lumberjack Paul Bunyan was so loud that lumberjacks had to wear earplugs all year round. Legend has it that when he sneezed, he blew the roof off the lumberjacks garbage house. Carol Olson, manager of the Bemidji, Minnesota tourist information center, said, “When he was a child, he needed five giant storks to deliver him.” Folklorist Jens Lund said, “North America has a strong interest in powerful people, such as Daniel Boone, fur traders, prospectors, and cowboys, who open or clear the wilderness.” “In Paul Bunyan, we combine the superhuman strength of mythological entities with the attraction of frontier heroes and absurd exaggeration humor.”

    There are several places across the country where you can see this giant this summer. In Bemidji, Minnesota, if you pass through on Wednesday, you will see many people wearing black and red checkered patterns like lumberjacks. Getting up midweek is part of a year-long celebration at the request of the mayor, which includes cake decorating contests and museum exhibitions to commemorate the infamous Bunyan statues 75th anniversary. The giant Bunyan man outside the tourist information center on the shore of Bemidji Lake, at 18 feet, is not the worlds tallest legendary record-keeper statue, but it is one of the oldest statues. “In 1937, there were many logging camps here, and the statue was built for the winter carnival,” Olson said. “The mayor at the time was 6 feet tall, so they tripled the size of the statue.” Two years later, a baby statue, Blue Ox, was added, and since then, tourists have been buzzing to Bemidji, taking photos with the oversized duo and seeing Bunyans personal items, including his giant-sized flannel shirt, toothbrush, wallet, and phone.

    In Brainerd, Minnesota, there is a 26-foot-tall, 5,000-pound Bunyan statue in Paul Bunyan Land amusement park, with a moving head, arms, and eyes, and named after visitors. “I cant tell you how he knows everyones name,” said Lois Smude, co-owner of the amusement park. “That

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