


如果你在加利福尼亚州的纽波特海滩工作,你可以让David Hasselhoff支付超过20万美元的工资和福利.



查看2010 – 2011年预算文件表明,大部分费用来自健康保险和养老金储备,城市经理大卫基夫证实了这一事实。.

“我认为季节性救生员以及初级和中级全职救生员的基本工资是正确的,并且是加利福尼亚海洋救生员的市场利率,”基夫说。 “但养老金福利成本太高,无法维持。”

根据预算文件,该市收入最高的救生员营长的年薪约为119,000美元,总薪酬为187,782美元。 Kiff表示,加班费和“夜间待命工资”将首席执行官的总薪酬推高至2010年的211,000美元.


为了公平起见,救生员提供了至关重要的公共服务:去年估计有710万人访问了该市的海滩,而作为消防部门一部分的纽波特海滩救生员部门则进行了2,190次救援。可以肯定地说,救生员工作如此繁忙 – 而且往往是危险的 – 海滩需要更专业的技能,比如看着当地游泳池的青少年.


该组织,美国人为繁荣 – 加利福尼亚州,提出了有可能淹没加州许多城市的养老金福利问题。该视频提到了一位刚刚退休的救生员,51岁,他将获得终身每年108,000美元的政府养老金.


他告诉登记册说:“我们已与可比较的职位和沿海其他城市一起谈判非常公平和非常合理的薪酬。” “这里的救生员工资完全符合其他城市员工的标准。”

但是,薪水超出了大多数lilfeguards可以预期的标准。纽波特海滩的兼职救生员每小时16至22美元,没有任何福利。根据劳工统计局的数据,救生员,滑雪巡逻队和其他娱乐保护服务工人的平均年薪为$ 20,490.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, based on the information provided, it seems that being a lifeguard can be a rewarding job both in terms of job satisfaction and financial compensation. The issue of high pension benefits for lifeguards has become a political issue in Southern California, with some arguing that it is unsustainable. The lifeguard management association defends the compensation as fair and comparable to other coastal cities. It is important to recognize the crucial public service that lifeguards provide, especially in busy and dangerous beach areas.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, based on the information provided, it seems that being a lifeguard can be a rewarding job both in terms of job satisfaction and financial compensation. The issue of high pension benefits for lifeguards has become a political issue in Southern California, with some arguing that it is unsustainable. The lifeguard management association defends the compensation as fair and comparable to other coastal cities. It is important to recognize the crucial public service that lifeguards provide, especially in busy and dangerous beach areas.

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