

作者:Kara Reinhardt,Cheapism.com



  • 冠军动力设备46539(起价482美元)提供3,500瓦的恒定备用电源和最大4,000瓦的功率,以暂时为设备提供在停电后重启所需的额外增强功能。这种模式声称在一罐燃料上运行了12个小时,满意的在线评论员已经发布了已经成功喂养了几天的电器清单。它拥有一个带无线遥控器的电启动器 – 这个价格范围的罕见功能。低油传感器自动关闭发动机以防止损坏。 (去哪买)
  • 冠军动力设备46533(起价358美元)在许多方面反映了更昂贵的46539型号,但没有电动起动器和车轮套件,用于将102.5磅装置从存储中移出(专家警告说,你不应该在室内使用任何型号) 。尽管如此,这款简洁的发电机仍能为价格提供令人印象深刻的动力,而且评测人员报告说,后坐(或拉动)启动没有任何问题。 (去哪买)
  • Gentron GG3500(起价415美元)可连续运行3000瓦,峰值为3,500瓦。它配备了电启动器和轮组,在易于使用的评论中引起了大量赞誉。规格列出的运行时间略短于11小时。除两个标准插座外,该型号还包括一个220伏插座。 (去哪买)


上面所有的低成本发电机都采用了类似割草机的反冲起动器。对于带电启动的型号,例如Champion 46539和Gentron GG3500,拉动启动功能可作为备用。发动机都采用无铅汽油,油箱容纳约4加仑。在飓风桑迪之后站在加油站的东方过山车可能倾向于储存,但要注意储存过多的危险燃料。您可能希望看一下在丙烷上运行的发电机,这种发电机更安全并且具有更长的保质期。然而,这些型号不太常见,并且通常比汽油型号更昂贵.


  • 廉价发电机
  • 存储退货政策
  • 最好的雪地轮胎
  • 最便宜的滑雪目的地

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the best budget portable generators for those who need backup power during winter storms or power outages. The Champion Power Equipment 46539, Champion Power Equipment 46533, and Gentron GG3500 are all affordable options that provide reliable power for basic household needs. It is important to note that these generators should not be used indoors and should be fueled with unleaded gasoline. Consumers should also be cautious about storing too much fuel. Propane-powered generators are a safer and longer-lasting alternative, but they are typically more expensive.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the best budget portable generators for those who need backup power during winter storms or power outages. The Champion Power Equipment 46539, Champion Power Equipment 46533, and Gentron GG3500 are all affordable options that provide reliable power for basic household needs. It is important to note that these generators should not be used indoors and should be fueled with unleaded gasoline. Consumers should also be cautious about storing too much fuel. Propane-powered generators are a safer and longer-lasting alternative, but they are typically more expensive and less common.

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