

玛丽塔洛夫是一名29岁的顾问,总部设在加利福尼亚州戴维斯市,不得不错过朋友的婚礼,因为她别无选择,只能租一辆车才能到达那里。这对大多数旅行者来说不是问题,但Mary Taloff坐在轮椅上,需要一辆适合轮椅使用者的车辆。他们并不便宜.

“我考虑租车,因为[婚礼]处于中间地带,”Taloff告诉TODAY.com。 “租这辆车每天大约需要200美元,因为我没有那种钱,所以无法参加婚礼。”

玛丽 Taloff doesn’t drive, but still requires a wheelchair-accessible vehicle
Taloff不开车,但仍然需要一辆适合轮椅使用的车辆才能安全地上路 /由Mary Taloff提供


大多数租车公司都没有随身携带轮椅的车辆。相反,他们与Wheelers Accessible Van Rentals这样的组织合作,这是一家轮椅和小型摩托车租赁公司.



“一个月可能[定价]每天80美元,”Wheelers总裁Tammy Smith告诉TODAY.com,并补充说平均每天客户每天支付100美元的租金.









今年早些时候由Charlotte de Vilmorin推出的汽车共享服务是第一家专门为残疾人士设计的汽车租赁公司。.

De Vilmorin没有对多条评论请求作出回应,据报道,他在寻找经济实惠,适应性较高的租车之后,创造了一个令人沮丧的经历。该公司将需要改装车辆的人与愿意租车的人联系起来 – 有点像Airbnb对住房的做法.

相关:轮椅上的6岁女孩鞭子和Nae Nae没有人在看




“毫无疑问,Wheeliz正在满足需求,很高兴看到,”专门为残疾旅行者提供的旅游网站Brettapproved.com的创始人Brett Heising告诉TODAY.com.

“它的存在进一步证明了21世纪的全球经济是专业化的和以服务为基础的,”他说,“坐在椅子上的人 – 就像其他人一样 – 有地方可以去完成。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Mary Taloff, a 29-year-old consultant based in Davis, California, had to miss a friends wedding because she had no choice but to rent a car to get there. This is not a problem for most travelers, but Taloff is in a wheelchair and needs a vehicle suitable for wheelchair users. They are not cheap. “I considered renting a car because [the wedding] is in the middle of nowhere,” Taloff told TODAY.com. “Renting this car would cost about $200 a day, and because I dont have that kind of money, I cant attend the wedding.” Taloff does not drive, but still needs a wheelchair-accessible vehicle to safely hit the road. Most rental car companies do not have vehicles with wheelchairs. Instead, they work with organizations like Wheelers Accessible Van Rentals, a wheelchair and scooter rental company. Renting a van from Wheelers costs about $130 a day, plus full insurance of $34. Like most rental car companies, the deal offered by Wheelers is that the longer you rent the car, the cheaper the daily rate. “A month might [price] at $80 a day,” Wheelers President Tammy Smith told TODAY.com, adding that the average daily rent paid by customers is $100. Smith said Wheelers has 58 locations nationwide and in most major cities, offering vans for wheelchair passengers as well as vans for users who drive wheelchairs. There is no difference in cost between the two types of vehicles, but the latter is less available. But why are they so expensive in the first place? Smith said this is due to the price of the vehicle. Smith said, “These cars cost about $50,000, while basic car rental companies cost about $20,000.” Like Budget or Enterprise, car rental companies follow a similar logic: the cheaper the car, the lower the rent. This is not much for people in wheelchairs, as all wheelchair-accessible trucks are in the higher price range. “The price I paid is about half the price of my [2007 new] Dodge Grand Caravan to modify it,” Taloff said. This is a cheaper alternative to buying a ready-made wheelchair-accessible truck. A more wallet-friendly option may be underway. In Paris, a start-up called Wheeliz is offering

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