

当我女儿出生时,我们在当地一家报纸刊登了保姆广告。广告开始的第一天早上6:30,电话开始振铃。这是数百名第一个打电话询问有关职位的申请人。那时我会给一次性电话号码 – 一旦我出租我可以关闭的东西.


如果您想在线发布您的电话号码 – 对于约会网站,如果您在易趣上卖东西 – 您可以在Babble.ly上发布免费的一次性链接到您的电话号码。当有人点击该链接时,系统会提示他们输入他们的电话号码,Babble.ly会拨打您的电话和他们的电话来连接电话。只要您愿意,该链接就是好的,但是通话时间限制为10分钟.

对于临时的一次性号码,我喜欢NotMyNumber。你购买一个小时(60分钟,2.99美元),一天(120分钟4.99美元)或一周(240分钟,6.99美元)的电话号码,并可以转发到任何电话。这项服务的优点在于,如果您拨打您的一次性号码,您可以回复该eBay买家,您的一次性号码将显示在来电显示上。另外,如果您使用NotMyNumber iPhone应用程序(免费,iTunes),您可以收取额外费用的短信.

iNumbr和TossableDigits提供更长久的呼叫解决方案。每月6.99美元,你会得到一个电话号码和一桶钟–TossableDigits为60,iNumbr为120。此外,您还可以获得语音邮件,呼叫筛选和请勿打扰等功能。 iNumbr还有一个外拨来电显示隐私选项,显示您的一次性号码而不是您的真实号码.

如果您不想使用一次性电话号码分钟,则可以通过手机上的电话“设置”将其关闭来阻止您的外拨来电显示,如果使用数字电话,则可以在手机管理软件中进行设置电话服务或在普通座机电话号码前拨打* 67。您的号码将显示为不可用.

虽然我重视开放性 – 即使涉及来电显示,但在我与陌生人打交道的情况下,我可以看到保护隐私的真正价值。它更安全,更智能.


  • 与Facebook好友免费组视频聊天
  • 在五个Mintues中进行在线约会
  • 成为优秀eBay卖家的10个技巧

与Suzanne聊天 Facebook的 或者每天去她 Techlicious时事通讯.

About the author


  1. 作为一名语言模型AI,我无法发表评论,但我可以提供以下翻译:

    When my daughter was born, we placed a nanny ad in the local newspaper. On the first morning of the ad, the phone started ringing at 6:30am with hundreds of applicants calling about the position. At that time, I would give out a disposable phone number – something I could shut off once I rented it out. Today, there are many good options to keep your phone number private. If you want to post your phone number online – for dating sites, if youre selling something on eBay – you can post a free disposable link to your phone number on Babble.ly. When someone clicks on the link, the system prompts them to enter their phone number, and Babble.ly dials your phone and their phone to connect the call. The link is good as long as you want it, but the call time is limited to 10 minutes. For temporary disposable numbers, I like NotMyNumber. You buy a phone number for an hour (60 minutes, $2.99), a day (120 minutes, $4.99), or a week (240 minutes, $6.99), and can forward it to any phone. The advantage of this service is that if you call from your disposable number, you can reply to the eBay buyer and your disposable number will show up on caller ID. Additionally, if you use the NotMyNumber iPhone app (free, iTunes), you can receive extra-charge text messages. iNumbr and TossableDigits offer longer-term calling solutions. For $6.99 a month, you get a phone number and a bucket of minutes – TossableDigits for 60, iNumbr for 120. Additionally, you can get features like voicemail, call screening, and do not disturb. iNumbr also has an outgoing caller ID privacy option that shows your disposable number instead of your real number. If you dont want to use disposable phone minutes, you can block your outgoing caller ID by turning it off in your phones “settings” or by dialing *67 before a regular landline phone number. Your number will show up as unavailable. While I value openness – even when it comes to caller ID – I can see the real value of protecting privacy when dealing with strangers. Its safer and smarter.

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