真正悬停的悬浮滑板? Arca Space Corp.和Omni Hoverboards具有真实性

真正悬停的悬浮滑板? Arca Space Corp.和Omni Hoverboards具有真实性

对于那些因最新所谓的悬浮板实际上没有徘徊而被关闭的人 – 或者有报道称他们有时会迸发火焰 – 一些公司正在提供真实的东西。但它会花费你.

一家名为Arca Space Corp.的新墨西哥公司已经开始接受ArcaBoard的订单,这是一种可充电的电动汽车,当乘客站在上面时飞行。该公司表示,它计划在4月开始以每台19,900美元的价格出货.



该板具有稳定系统,可使其保持直立,水平和安全。手机可用于控制电路板和导航。然而,骑手可以选择关闭稳定系统并通过身体动作控制电路板“以获得最强烈的体验,”Arca Space表示.


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Omni Hoverboards是一家加拿大公司,拥有自己的技术版本,尚未准备好出售其主板,但有一个名为Mark-1的工作原型。它赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录冠军,这是飞行905英尺和2英寸后飞行板最长距离。今天向两家公司发出了额外评论,但没有立即收到回复.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    For those who were disappointed by the lack of hovering in the latest so-called hoverboards – or reports of them occasionally bursting into flames – some companies are offering the real deal. One such company is Arca Space Corp., a New Mexico-based company that has begun taking orders for the ArcaBoard, a rechargeable electric vehicle that flies when a passenger stands on it. The company says it plans to begin shipping in April at a price of $19,900 per unit.

    The ArcaBoard is powered by 36 electric motors that drive small fans embedded in the platform. The motors generate 272 horsepower and about 430 pounds of thrust or lift. The board is 57 inches long, 30 inches wide, 6 inches thick, and weighs 180 pounds, so you wont be carrying it under your arm like a skateboard. But the company says the machine can carry riders weighing up to 243 pounds.

    The board has a stability system that keeps it upright, level, and safe. A smartphone can be used to control the circuit board and navigation. However, riders can choose to turn off the stability system and control the circuit board through body movements “for the most intense experience,” according to Arca Space. Before needing a recharge, the circuit board can fly about one foot above the ground for about six minutes. Charging the battery with a standard plug-in charger takes six hours, but a $4,500 charging accessory called the ArcaDock can recharge the circuit board in 35 minutes.

    Omni Hoverboards is a Canadian company with its own version of the technology, but it is not yet ready to sell its main board. However, it has a working prototype called the Mark-1. It won the Guinness World Record for the longest distance flown by a flying board after flying 905 feet and 2 inches. Additional comments were requested from both companies today, but no immediate response was received.

    Current non-hovering hoverboards are really just electric two-wheeled scooters that were popularized as holiday gifts last year, but retail giant Amazon has stopped selling them due to reports of several vehicles catching fire. 22 hoverboard fires are currently under investigation.

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