المتزحلق ديفيد وايز حصل على الذهب – وعائلته! – على المنصة الأولمبية

المتزحلق ديفيد وايز حصل على الذهب – وعائلته! – على المنصة الأولمبية

Freire skier ديفيد وايز هو الرجل الذهبي لفريق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مرة أخرى!

يوم الخميس ، حصل اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عاما على مرتبة الشرف في نصف الرجال في Pyeonchang – مثلما فعل في مباريات 2014 في سوتشي. لكن هذا ما حدث بعد لحظات من ميداليته الذهبية التي أثبتت أنه كان فائزًا كبيرًا قبل أن يصل إلى المسار.

ديفيد Wise
يحتل ديفيد وايز المركز الأول خلال نهائي نصف نهاية التزلج للرجال في بيونج تشانج ، كوريا الجنوبية.Laurent Salino / Agence Zoom via Getty Images

عندما انتهت المسابقة ، أخذ وايز مكانه في مركز المنبر الفائز ، وكانت عائلته العاشقة ساخنة على قدميه ، بدءا من ابنه البالغ من العمر ثلاث سنوات ، ملاخي.

صعد التوت ليصل إلى والده ويشارك الأضواء الخاصة ، مما أدى إلى كسب بعض المعجبين من جانبه على طول الطريق.

ديفيد Wise
إيان ماكنيكول / غيتي إيماجز

وبقيت ابنة وايز (Nayeli) البالغة من العمر ست سنوات ، والتي لم تكن قادرة على احتواء كبريائها ، طريقها إلى أبي ،.

جعل المشهد واحدة من اللحظات الأكثر إثارة للدهشة من الألعاب الشتوية 2023 حتى الآن.

FDavid Wise
إيان ماكنيكول / غيتي إيماجز

وحيث أن وايز كانت يداه ممتلئتان بكلا الحزم من الفرح ، قامت الزوجة أليكساندرا بإمساك العلم الأمريكي وتقريب عرض العائلة.

في النهاية أخذ شخص آخر قريب من المتزحلق على مقربة منه على المنصة. أفضل صديق لـ Wise على فريق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ، أليكس فيريرا ، أخذ فضية في حدث نصف النهائي – وقام الرجلان بزيارة إلى TODAY بعد أن ادّيا انتصاراتهما.

ديفيد Wise
Laurent Salino / Agence Zoom via Getty Images

وقال وايز “هذه الرحلة تم مسحها منذ البداية.” “ذهبنا وحصلنا على الوشم المناسب في سيؤول عندما وصلنا في البداية. لقد تمكنت من السير في حفلات الافتتاح معًا. كنا ندفع بعضنا إلى بعض في التزلج لفترة طويلة جدًا. معًا ، كان حلمًا تحقق “.

أما زوجته ، التي شاهدت المقابلة من الأجنحة ، فقالت: “أنا فخور جداً به. نحن متحمسون جداً له ولألكس. نحن نحب أليكس”.

ثم ، دون أدنى شك ، تحدثت عنهم جميعًا ، “نحن متحمسون جدًا لأمريكا!”

مشاهدة كلو كيم يأكل churros صنعت خصيصا لها على TODAY


About the author


  1. Congratulations to David Wise, the golden man of the United States Freire ski team once again! On Thursday, the 27-year-old athlete earned the honor of halfpipe mens silver medal in Pyeonchang – just as he did in the 2014 games in Sochi. But that was after moments of his gold medal that proved he was a big winner before he even hit the track. David Wise took first place during the mens ski halfpipe final in Pyeongchang, South Korea. When the competition ended, Wise took his place on the winners podium, and his loving family was hot on his heels, starting with his three-year-old son, Malachi. The toddler climbed up to his dad and shared the spotlight, winning some fans along the way. Wises six-year-old daughter, Nayeli, who couldnt contain her pride, made her way to her dad, making the scene one of the most exciting moments of the 2018 Winter Games so far. And as Wises hands were full of both bundles of joy, his wife, Alexandra, held the American flag and brought the family display closer. In the end, another person close to the skier took the stage. Wises best friend on the US team, Alex Ferreira, took silver in the halfpipe event – and the two men visited TODAY after their victories. Wise said, “This journey has been wiped out from the beginning.” “We went and got the right tattoo in Seoul when we first arrived. I was able to walk in the opening ceremonies together. Weve been pushing each other in skiing for a very long time. Together, it was a dream come true.” His wife, who watched the interview from the wings, said, “Im very proud of him. Were very excited for him and Alex. We love Alex.” Then, without a doubt, they all spoke about it, “Were very excited about America!”

  2. Congratulations to David Wise, the golden man of the United States Freire ski team once again! On Thursday, the 27-year-old athlete earned the honor of halfpipe mens silver medal in Pyeonchang – just as he did in the 2014 games in Sochi. But that was after moments of his gold medal that proved he was a big winner before he even hit the track. David Wise took first place during the mens ski halfpipe final in Pyeongchang, South Korea. When the competition ended, Wise took his place on the winners podium, and his loving family was hot on his heels, starting with his three-year-old son, Malachi. The toddler climbed up to his dad and shared the spotlight, winning some fans along the way. Wises six-year-old daughter, Nayeli, who couldnt contain her pride, made her way to her dad, making the scene one of the most exciting moments of the 2018 Winter Games so far. And as Wises hands were full of both bundles of joy, his wife, Alexandra, held the American flag and brought the family display closer. In the end, another person close to the skier took the stage. Wises best friend on the US team, Alex Ferreira, took silver in the halfpipe event – and the two men visited TODAY after their victories. Wise said, “This journey has been wiped out from the beginning.” “We went and got the right tattoo in Seoul when we first arrived. I was able to walk in the opening ceremonies together. Weve been pushing each other in skiing for a very long time. Together, it was a dream come true.” His wife, who watched the interview from the wings, said, “Im very proud of him. Were very excited for him and Alex. We love Alex.” Then, without a doubt, they all spoke about it, “Were very excited about America!”

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