تلمح ماندي مور أنها قد تصبح أمًا في المستقبل القريب

تلمح ماندي مور أنها قد تصبح أمًا في المستقبل القريب

قد تصبح ماندي مور أم أسرع مما نعتقد.

خلال مقابلة مليئة بالضحك مع جريدة “ويدي جيست” يوم الأحد ، والتي تم بثها في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، كشفت نجمة “هذا هو” أنها هي وخطيبها تايلور غولدسميث مستعدون لبدء عائلة.

نجمة ماندي مور: هذه الأمومة قد تأتي “عاجلاً وليس آجلاً”


“أرغب دائماً في أن أكون أمّاً” ، تقول الممثلة التي تلعب دور أم لثلاثة ريبيكا بيرسون على دراما “إن بي سي” الحائزة على جائزة إيمي ، لـ “جيست” في معاينة للمقابلة. “أعتقد أنني كنت أنتظر الشخص المناسب والوقت المناسب ، لهذا النوع من التطابق”.

مور وموسيقي غولدسميث ، المغني وعازف الجيتار في فرقة لوس انجليس ، وقد تم معا لأكثر من عامين – والأطفال ، على ما يبدو ، هي موضوع ساخن للزوجين السعداء.

وقالت النجمة البالغة من العمر 33 عاما “أعتقد أن (الأمومة) هي بالتأكيد الفصل التالي بالنسبة لي – عاجلا وليس آجلا”..


بطبيعة الحال ، كان على مور أن تأخذ في اعتبارها جدول أعمالها “This Is Us” المزدحم. وقالت: “يجب أن أفكر بها مع العرض ، وكيف يمكنني قضاء بعض الوقت بشكل صحيح ، لكن ، نعم ، أنا متحمس”..

لكن ، أوضح جيست ، أنه إذا كان منتجو البرنامج قادرين على السفر عبر مور لعدة عقود من الزمن للعب شخصياتها في عصور متعددة ، فإن إخفاء حملها بالتأكيد سيكون مفاجئًا..

ماندي مور على “هذا هو لنا” خطيبها وربما تبني طفل


وقالت مور وهي تضحك وهي تتفكر في الأفكار “يمكنهم (رقميا) تغيير جسدي.” “يمكنني حمل الكثير من الحقائب أو ، مثل ، سلال ping أو شيء أمامي.”

شاهد معاينة محادثة Moore و Geist السعيدة في الفيديو أعلاه ، وتأكد من الاستماع إلى هذا الأحد لمشاهدة المزيد من الدردشة.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Mandy Moore may become a mother faster than we think. During a laughter-filled interview with “Sunday Today,” which aired over the weekend, the “This Is Us” star revealed that she and fiancé Taylor Goldsmith are ready to start a family. “I always wanted to be a mom,” says the actress who plays the mother of three Rebecca Pearson on the Emmy-winning NBC drama, to “Today” in a preview of the interview. “I think I was waiting for the right person and the right time, for this kind of match.” Moore and musician Goldsmith, the singer and guitarist for the Los Angeles band Dawes, have been together for more than two years – and children, apparently, are a hot topic for the happy couple. The 33-year-old star said, “I think (motherhood) is definitely the next chapter for me – sooner rather than later.” Of course, Moore had to take into account her busy “This Is Us” schedule. “I have to think about it with the show, and how I can spend some time properly, but, yes, Im excited,” she said. But, Geist clarified, if the shows producers are able to travel Moore for several decades to play her characters in multiple eras, hiding her pregnancy would certainly be surprising. Moore laughed and thought about the ideas, “They can (digitally) change my body.” “I can carry a lot of bags or, like, ping-pong baskets or something in front of me.” Watch a preview of Moore and Geists happy conversation in the video above, and be sure to tune in this Sunday to see more of the chat.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Mandy Moore may become a mother faster than we think. During a laughter-filled interview with “Sunday Today,” which aired over the weekend, the “This Is Us” star revealed that she and fiancé Taylor Goldsmith are ready to start a family. “I always wanted to be a mom,” says the actress who plays the mother of three Rebecca Pearson on the Emmy-winning NBC drama, to “Today” in a preview of the interview. “I think I was waiting for the right person and the right time, for this kind of match.” Moore and musician Goldsmith, the singer and guitarist for the Los Angeles band Dawes, have been together for more than two years – and children, apparently, are a hot topic for the happy couple. The 33-year-old star said, “I think (motherhood) is definitely the next chapter for me – sooner rather than later.” Of course, Moore had to take into account her busy “This Is Us” schedule. “I have to think about it with the show, and how I can spend some time properly, but, yes, Im excited,” she said. But, Geist clarified, if the shows producers are able to travel Moore through several decades to play her characters in multiple eras, hiding her pregnancy would certainly be surprising. Moore laughed and said, “They can (digitally) change my body.” “I can carry a lot of bags or, like, a ping-pong basket or something in front of me.” Watch a preview of Moore and Geists happy conversation in the video above, and be sure to tune in this Sunday for more chat.

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