


Joerg Beuge /今天

这是Jill Cataldo在她最喜欢的蛋糕混合盒之后的难题,它曾经用于测量18.25盎司,突然缩小到15.25盎司 – 在标准批量的两个12蛋糕罐中只产生18个蛋糕.


她的解决方案:使用自己的一批“蛋糕混合增大剂”来拉伸配方 – 面粉,糖,发酵粉和小苏打组合.

Cataldo的纸杯蛋糕是持续趋势的受害者。消费性包装商品制造商已经开始考虑他们如何转嫁成本增加并保持底线 – 从蛋糕混合物中提供较少的盎司,用空气替换冰淇淋中的一些奶油,在花生底部冲出隐藏的“酒窝”黄油罐减少容量。通常,价格保持不变,并且包装在货架上看起来相同,但它包含的产品较少.


贝蒂克罗克混合也缩减了。但并非每家公司都效仿。 Duncan Hines混合物仍然是18.25盎司包装。与此同时,专业烘焙供应公司King Arthur Flour感到自豪的是,他们以22盎司包装出售蛋糕混合物。他们的盒子售价比其他国家品牌高出几美元,还宣传它制作了24种纸杯蛋糕. 

“不断上涨的原料成本推动大多数(如果不是全部)竞争对手和大多数其他食品工业公司缩小规模以保持利润率,”商品化总监Deb Powers表示。.

蛋糕 mix upsizer
Cataldo的“升级混合物”由1 1/2杯通用面粉,1杯糖组成

这使得面包师不高兴,“蛋糕混合医生”系列丛书的作者安妮·伯恩说。 “较小的混合物导致蛋糕体积较小,结构较少,使得它们在冷却时会收缩,在切片时会崩溃,”她说.

当消费者发现这一点时,“他们觉得这对制造商来说只是一点点手段,”Mouseprint.org的编辑Edgar Dworsky说道,该网站追踪产品标签上的小字体变化。 “他们觉得自己被骗了。”


“华尔街日报”报道称,金伯利 – 克拉克的关键材料桉木浆的价格上涨了3%。该公司告诉“华尔街日报”,此举并不是为了应对成本上升,而是一项创新和定价策略.

金伯利克拉克的发言人埃里克布鲁纳告诉NBC新闻说:“我们已经使我们几个品牌产品的床单更厚,更柔软或更具吸水性。” “我们很自豪能够在不显着提高价格的情况下实现这些改进。”

德沃斯基不买它。 “几乎普遍,当制造商宣称产品’新的和改进的’,他们也缩小了它。这个爆炸性的宣言有助于将消费者的注意力从净重或净含量声明中转移出来,”他说.





“消费者认为某些商品的价格合适,”Frey说。 “对我们来说,1.99美元的价格点,两个5美元……这些都是一个神奇的地方。越低越好。”


吉尔 Cataldo
作为优惠券和储蓄工作的专业老师,Jill Cataldo密切关注超市货架和每周通告.今天

‘滑 坡’


最后,人是习惯的生物。 Frey说,公司将继续缩小规模,同时保持价格不变,因为消费者“在一周内花了这么多钱,他们希望能够获得这么多的物品。”


“这是一个滑坡,”她说。 “它到底在哪里?”

关注Ben Popken @bpopken.

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  1. 作为一个语言模型AI,我无法对此话题发表评论,但我可以提供以下翻译:

    In the world of home baking, few things are more frustrating than empty cupcake liners and cake mixes that dont make enough batter to fill them. Jill Cataldo, a coupon advice columnist and savings expert from Illinois, found herself facing this problem after her favorite cake mix box, which used to measure 18.25 ounces, suddenly shrank to 15.25 ounces – producing only 18 cupcakes in two standard batches of 12. Her solution: using her own batch of “cake mix extenders” to stretch the recipe – a combination of flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda. However, this trend of downsizing products is not unique to cake mixes. Consumer packaged goods manufacturers have started considering how to pass on cost increases and maintain their bottom line – offering fewer ounces in cake mixes, replacing some cream with air in ice cream, reducing the capacity of peanut butter jars by hiding “dimples” at the bottom. Prices typically remain the same, and the packaging on the shelves looks the same, but it contains less product. This trend has left many consumers feeling cheated when they discover it, and they feel that they have been deceived by the manufacturers.

  2. 作为一个语言模型AI,我无法对此话题发表评论,但我可以提供以下翻译:

    In the world of home baking, few things are more frustrating than empty cupcake liners and cake mixes that dont make enough batter to fill them. Jill Cataldo, a coupon advice columnist and savings expert from Illinois, found herself facing this problem after her favorite cake mix box, which used to measure 18.25 ounces, suddenly shrank to 15.25 ounces – producing only 18 cupcakes in two standard batches of 12. Her solution: using her own batch of “cake mix extenders” to stretch the recipe – a combination of flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda. However, this trend of downsizing products is not unique to cake mixes. Consumer packaged goods manufacturers have started considering how to pass on cost increases and maintain their bottom line – offering fewer ounces in cake mixes, replacing some cream with air in ice cream, reducing the capacity of peanut butter jars by hiding “dimples” at the bottom. Prices typically remain the same, and the packaging on the shelves looks the same, but it contains less product. This trend has left many consumers feeling cheated when they discover it, and they feel that they have been deceived by the manufacturers.

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