

同 one click I applied Sienna Miller's makeup and hairstyle.
只需点击一下,我就应用了Sienna Miller的化妆和发型.Taaz.com /今天


我最喜欢的是Taaz.com,People StyleWatch Instant Makeover和InStyle Hollywood Makeover。他们有各种类别的产品,包括粉底,遮瑕膏,腮红,古铜色,眼影,眼线,假睫毛,彩色触点,口红,唇彩和唇线笔。颜色基于来自36个品牌的实际产品,包括CoverGirl,Dior,雅诗兰黛,La Prarie,Mabelline,Origins,露华浓,Trish McEvoy和Stila。为了好玩,您还可以看到您如何看待星星的化妆和发型.


我的 virtual makeover on Taaz.com.
我在Taaz.com上的虚拟改造.Taaz.com /今天


选择产品时,您可以按品牌,价格和颜色系列缩小选择范围。对于眼影和腮红,您还可以选择要应用的位置和阴影,指定高光阴影。我喜欢玩不同的色调和化妆方式 – 我不会在化妆柜台做的事情.

所有网站都会保留您最近尝试过的产品的运行列表。在People StyleWatch Instant Makeover和InStyle Hollywood Makeover中,您还可以将产品保存到收藏夹列表中。当您对外观满意时,您可以保存它,分享它(Facebook,Twitter,电子邮件等)并打印出您使用的产品的图片和列表.

在尝试明星的外表时,你会得到一切,包括他们的发型。它仅适用于People StyleWatch Instant Makeover和InStyle Hollywood Makeover。但Taaz.com实际上是紧随其后的,可以很容易地获得精确的外观,提供用于获得明星外观的所有产品的完整列表,以及使用其产品数据库进行调整的能力。当你得到它时,你是否能够处理它看起来是另一回事.

最后,实际上没有什么可以尝试唇膏或眼影,但虚拟化妆网站将帮助你缩小范围 – 特别是如果你在药店买东西。而且它很有趣。我的女儿一直在使用我的照片,但我打算带她一个,这样她就可以打扮。这样她就可以做任何她想做的事而不会弄得一团糟 – 或者用掉我昂贵的化妆品.


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和Suzanne见面 Facebook的 或者每天去她 Techlicious时事通讯.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or experience with makeup and hairstyles. However, based on the given text, it seems that Taaz.com is a great website for virtual makeovers. It offers a wide range of products from various brands and allows users to try different looks and styles. The website also provides the ability to save and share the final look with others. Overall, it seems like a fun and useful tool for those who want to experiment with makeup and hairstyles without leaving their homes.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference or experience with makeup and hairstyles. However, based on the given text, it seems that Taaz.com is a great website for virtual makeovers. It offers a wide range of products from various brands and allows users to try different looks and styles. The website also provides the ability to save and share the final look with others. Overall, it seems like a fun and useful tool for those who want to experiment with makeup and hairstyles without leaving their homes.

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