

如果健康的食物像冰淇淋容器一样容易抓住,那么坚持承诺吃得更容易。不幸的是,冷冻饮食晚餐似乎看起来或味道都不像盒子上的那样开胃。 Cheapism.com组装了一个品尝小组来测试两种流行的主菜:番茄酱意面和辣酱玉米饼馅(加上Trader Joe’s的卷饼,不会制作辣酱玉米饼馅)。所有费用低于每份4美元 – 可能比从头开始烹饪相同的菜更多,但比其他方便的选择,如外卖。两位顶级选手每人只需2美元左右.


重量 Watchers Smart Ones Ravioli Florentine was a top pick for budget frozen diet meals, according to Cheapism.com
根据Cheapism.com的数据,Weight Watchers Smart Ones Ravioli Florentine是预算冷冻减肥餐的首选目标/今天

Weight Watchers Smart Ones Ravioli佛罗伦萨(2.19美元)凭借浓郁的酱汁和诱人的质地,成为第一个意大利面。它含有270卡路里,12克蛋白质,5克脂肪和4克纤维(和Weight Watchers Points Plus值为7)。对这个主菜的敲门声:860毫克的钠,或每日价值的36%。梅奥诊所解释说,甚至20%的人都很高。虽然这道菜不适合消费者专门试图限制他们的盐摄入量,但它仍然没有一些差。已知冷冻晚餐含有1,500毫克或更多的钠。 (去哪买) 

Amy的Light&Lean Pasta&Veggies(3.84美元)价格昂贵,所以使用销售和优惠券来储存。虽然价格较贵,但这款主菜比Weight Watchers意大利面更健康,含量略高于钠的一半。在210卡路里,它也可以做一顿较轻的食物,但你可能想补充一些瘦肉蛋白,以避免以后吃点零食。这道菜含有3克纤维,5克脂肪和10克蛋白质。小组成员注意到相当大块的西兰花和芦笋,并享受了他们在这道菜中品尝的柠檬味。 (去哪买) 

Eating Right Chicken Enchilada(2美元)是Safeway品牌的主菜。含有300卡路里的热量,大约16克的蛋白质,6克的脂肪和大约3克的纤维,这是一顿可能会让你筋疲力尽的减肥餐。小组成员最初以其平淡无奇的外表推迟,但鸡肉和玉米的味道和淡酱油赢得了他们。 (去哪买) 

Kashi Chicken Enchilada(3美元)含有9克脂肪,是辣酱玉米饼馅中最高的,但只有2.5克饱和脂肪。 6克纤维和12克蛋白质也有助于满足。评论家说,这道菜可以使用更多的香料,而钠含量则更少。它含有620毫克,每日价值26%。小组成员很高兴地发现质地比糊状更脆。 (去哪买) 






About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the taste and nutritional value of various frozen meals that are budget-friendly and convenient. It provides information on the calorie, protein, fat, fiber, and sodium content of each meal, as well as the price and taste. The article also suggests ways to save money on these meals and offers recommendations for healthier options. Overall, the article is informative for those who are looking for quick and easy meal options that are also affordable and nutritious.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the taste and nutritional value of various frozen meals that are budget-friendly and convenient. It provides information on the calorie, protein, fat, fiber, and sodium content of each meal, as well as the price and taste. The article also suggests ways to save money on these meals and offers recommendations for healthier options. Overall, the article is informative for those who are looking for quick and easy meal options that are also affordable and nutritious.

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