


“这是前派对,”她笑着说,努力谈论一个名为Slayers Club的DJ组提供的电子乐曲。.



部分水族馆,天文馆和自然历史博物馆,学院将自己变成一个时尚的夜总会,配有声光表演,舞蹈和不断变化的主题,从一次性电影制作到8月30日即将到来 – 培根,以猪的科学插图为特色,游戏,食物和素食猪烤.

手里拿着杜松子酒和补品罐头,博物馆参观者在大厅里闲逛,听志愿者谈论手电筒鱼,或者将饮料放下来进入一个黑暗的Shake House,这是一个模拟城市震颤的新地震展览的一部分。两次最大的地震.

在附近的山景城工作的Stefan Garza之前从未去过博物馆,并认为NightLife对于他和他的父亲来说是一个完美的郊游,他的父亲来自德克萨斯州.

“一个到处都有小酒吧的博物馆,”他说,他们走过一个装满海胆的触摸罐。 “你知道这必须是好的。”

发言人海伦·泰勒(Helen Taylor)说,NightLife三年前推出的“作为吸引新观众的一种方式”,该博物馆以其占地2.5英亩的“生活屋顶”而闻名,该屋顶充满了加州本土的植物,搬到了新的建筑物。.

每周出勤率平均约为2,000。线条在建筑物的外面蜿蜒流淌,在下午6点开门前半小时左右,入场费从常规日间费用29.95美元降至12美元。 (门票可以在网上或门口购买。)

“很多来的人都是20多岁和30多岁,”泰勒说。 “这不是你经常访问博物馆的典型团体,所以这是我们与这些人建立联系的绝佳机会,并希望建立一个长期合作关系。”


圣 Francisco's unique mix of physical characteristics, landmarks and attractions make it one of the most popular cities in the United States.
旧金山独特的物理特征,地标和景点组合使其成为美国最受欢迎的城市之一.Justin Sullivan / Getty Images /今天


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    Wearing leopard print leggings and red high heels, Maya Bush began her 25th birthday celebration by drinking beer and strolling through a simulated Costa Rican rainforest. “This is pre-party,” she laughed, trying to talk about the electronic music provided by a DJ group called Slayers Club. At the Swamp Bar near the albino short-snouted crocodile named Claude, the bartender distributed $9 Red Eye Martinis to a well-dressed after-work crowd, eating steamed pork buns and blueberry pies. On another night at the museum? This is NightLife, a weekly adult-only Thursday night biology and cocktail party at the California Academy of Sciences in San Franciscos Golden Gate Park. Part aquarium, planetarium, and natural history museum, the academy transforms itself into a trendy nightclub with sound and light performances, dancing, and ever-changing themes, from one-time movie making to Bacon, featuring pig science illustrations, games, food, and vegetarian pig roasts, coming up on August 30th. Holding gin and tonic and supplement cans, museum visitors wander through the halls, listening to volunteers talk about flashlight fish, or putting down their drinks to enter a dark Shake House, part of a new earthquake exhibit that simulates city tremors. Stefan Garza, who works in nearby Mountain View, had never been to the museum before and thought NightLife was a perfect outing for him and his father, who is from Texas. “A museum with little bars everywhere,” he said, walking past a touch tank filled with sea urchins. “You know it has to be good.” Spokeswoman Helen Taylor said NightLife was launched three years ago as “a way to attract new audiences,” and the museum is known for its 2.5-acre “living roof” filled with California native plants, moved to a new building. Attendance averages about 2,000 per week. Lines snake outside the building, about half an hour before the doors open at 6 p.m., with admission dropping from the regular daytime fee of $29.95 to $12. (Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.) “A lot of the people who come are in their 20s and 30s,” Taylor said. “This isnt your typical group that visits museums, so its a great opportunity for us to connect with

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