

在20世纪90年代,有一个带着我们的女儿上班的日子,旨在解决学龄女孩的自尊需要提升的担忧。十年前,这一天变成了更具包容性的Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.


LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
LinkedIn员工和家长混在LinkedIn的父母节.LinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images



像谷歌和亚马逊这样的大公司的员工现在庆祝这一天,以及像PR公司EvolveMKD和中西部的水泥制造公司Ozinga Bros这样的小公司。.




LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
LinkedIn员工向他们的父母展示了该公司的地下酒吧,这使得访客拨打正确的号码进入.LinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images



LinkedIn的员工体验经理纳瓦尔·法库里(Nawal Fakhoury)告诉今天,“你们的父母在你上半程的旅程中占据了很大的一部分,有机会看到下半场是提供LinkedIn更大使命的重要组成部分。”.


LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
员工经历领导Nawal FakhouryLinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images


她的父亲Manal Fakhoury回到佛罗里达州并开始复制他看到LinkedIn在他的实践中所做的大部分工作,放宽了着装规范并允许团体冥想.




Nawal Fakhoury表示,“让父母对千禧年劳动力的看法更加舒适,这对于今天的影响有多么大。”.

Talbots的客户专家芭芭拉弗里德里希(Barbara Friedrich)第二年回来,仍然无法克服开放的办公环境.

LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
Carrie Friedrich与她的母亲芭芭拉·弗里德里希(Barbara Friedrich)在LinkedIn办公室的“带给你父母”的气球前摆姿势.LinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images

“去年我回到北卡罗来纳州,对同事们的经历赞不绝口,他们都非常嫉妒,”61岁的弗里德里希告诉今天。 “我必须让他们知道新的桌上足球桌!”


她的女儿,在LinkedIn的产品营销部门工作的Carrie Friedrich曾经去找她父亲寻求职业建议,但自从他去世后转向她的妈妈.


LinkedIn employee giving his dad a technology tutorial on Take Your Parents To Work Day.

卡罗尔·塞尔科维茨(Carol Selkovits)对这一天的感受同样如此,并感谢她的女儿希拉·塞尔科维茨(Shira Selkovits)的生活窗口。现在匹兹堡的抵押贷款银行家伯尼·塞尔科维茨(Bernie Selkovits)知道他的女儿作为LinkedIn的高级企业和关系经理做了什么,他说他可以更好地建议她.


LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
Shira Selkovits和她的父母,Carol和Bernie SelkovitsLinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images


两年前Sarah Leydon的父母在都柏林办事处参加了此次活动之后,她觉得今年再次让她的父母在那里很重要 – 这非常重要,她飞到了她的父亲,爱尔兰农民Padraig Leydon,到了美国。第一次.

“当他第一次到达这座城市时,他被高大的建筑迷住了,今天早上他看着我的办公室窗户转向我,说他为什么我搬到这里,”Sarah Leydon告诉今天.

LinkedIn Bring In Your Parents Day - Empire State Building Offices
Sarah Leydon和她的父母,Mary和Padraig LeydonLinkedIn的Craig Barritt / Getty Images


“他们一直是我和我职业生涯的大使,”她说。 “能够把他们带到这里,看看他们最终帮助我创造的生活,对我和他们来说都是一种荣誉。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    In the 1990s, there was a day when we took our daughters to work, aimed at addressing concerns about boosting the self-esteem of school-age girls. Ten years ago, this day became the more inclusive Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Now, many of these children are part of the millennial generation working in emerging technology industries, and those same parents do not know what their children are doing to make a living. LinkedIn employees and parents mingled at LinkedIns Parents Day. Companies big and small give those hard-working parents the opportunity to bring their children into their world in college. Large companies like Google and Amazon now celebrate this day, as well as small companies like PR firm EvolveMKD and Midwest cement manufacturer Ozinga Bros. In short, 350 parents celebrated “Take Your Parents to Work Day” on November 4th at the Empire State Building in New York City, where LinkedIn, the professional networking company, got its start. In total, 3,500 parents across 28 LinkedIn offices worldwide celebrated this years event. LinkedIn employees showed their parents the companys underground bar, which visitors enter by dialing the right number. Proud moms and dads gained rich experiences, including company meetings and company lunch spaces. They even participated in some unusual sites, such as employees using scooters to tour. For her pharmacist mother and massage therapist father, there was no difference when they came last year. LinkedIn employee experience leader Nawal Fakhoury told today, “Your parents occupy a significant part of your first half of the journey, and the opportunity to see the second half is an important part of providing LinkedIn with a larger mission.” Her father, Manal Fakhoury, returned to Florida and began replicating much of what he saw LinkedIn doing in his practice, relaxing dress codes and allowing group meditation. Carol Selkovits feels the same way about this day and thanks her daughter Shira Selkovits for the window into her life. Now Pittsburgh mortgage banker Bernie Selkovits knows what his daughter does as a senior enterprise and relationship manager at LinkedIn, and he says he can advise her better. “Now that I have the background, I can give her a better answer,” he told today. Two years after Sarah Leydons parents attended the event in Dublin, she felt it

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