


“我们非常重视早餐。 Residence Inn副总裁兼全球品牌经理Diane Mayer说,只有在家里通常不会享用早餐的特别有趣的事情。 “食物在你的能量水平中起着重要作用。我最喜欢的一句话来自一位休闲旅行者,他说’你只是和你最讨厌的孩子一样快乐。’“

“我的孩子习惯于立刻醒来吃饭,”家庭旅游资源家庭度假评论家(Family Vacation Critic)的执行编辑莉莎波洛(Lissa Poirot)说。 “享用自助早餐意味着我可以溜到楼下,抓住东西把它们抱起来,直到我们都准备好吃。”她还建议寻找带礼宾级别的酒店,提供免费小吃,饮料,开胃小菜,有时候餐.



新的a.m. Kitchen Skillet包括早餐三明治,华夫饼,法式烤面包,煎饼和钢切燕麦片。您还可以找到更多高档的选择,如肉桂釉面法式吐司,甚至是圣达菲百吉饼三明治配火腿,鸡蛋,菠菜和chipotle mayo.





Homewood Suites

Suite Start Hot Breakfast早餐包括炒鸡蛋,培根和甜面包等美食。寻找新鲜的自制莎莎酱和鳄梨酱以及炒蔬菜和土豆煎饼。 Quiches和自制华夫饼也是孩子们的最爱.

Residence Inn酒店






Hotel Hershey – Hershey,宾夕法尼亚.


罗切斯特酒店 – 杜兰戈,科罗拉多州.


阿拉米达旅馆 – 圣菲,N.M.



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    Undoubtedly, mid-range hotels, including long-stay suites, do more to attract family travelers, especially on weekends. Indoor swimming pools, wireless internet connections, and in-room refrigerators are the norm. Most chain hotels also offer free breakfast. But when it comes to starting a family off on the right foot, which hotels offer the best free breakfast? “We place a great deal of importance on breakfast,” says Diane Mayer, Vice President and Global Brand Manager of Residence Inn, adding that its a special treat that you dont usually get at home. “Food plays an important role in your energy level. My favorite quote comes from a leisure traveler who said, Youre only as happy as your least favorite child.” “My kids are used to waking up and eating right away,” says Lissa Poirot, Executive Editor of Family Vacation Critic. “Having a buffet breakfast means I can sneak down and grab things to bring back up until were all ready to eat.” She also recommends looking for hotels with concierge-level amenities that offer free snacks, drinks, appetizers, and sometimes meals. Here are 10 hotels, including three independently owned ones, where the best free breakfast offerings are sure to please your crew. Hyatt Place The new a.m. Kitchen Skillet includes breakfast sandwiches, waffles, French toast, pancakes, and steel-cut oatmeal. Youll also find more upscale options like cinnamon glazed French toast and even Santa Fe biscuit sandwiches with ham, eggs, spinach, and chipotle mayo. Embassy Suites Youll find free made-to-order breakfast options like omelets and scrambled eggs. Menu items vary, but look for kid favorites like pancakes, bacon, muffins, juice, and cereal. Hampton Inn The first mid-priced hotel brand to offer free continental breakfast provides waffles, oatmeal, eggs, sausage, and fresh fruit for families. Breakfast bags with fruit are also available on weekdays, along with muffin tins and cereal bars. Homewood Suites Suite Start Hot Breakfast includes gourmet delights like scrambled eggs, bacon, and sweet breads. Look for fresh homemade salsa and guacamole, as well as sautéed vegetables and potato pancakes. Quiches and homemade waffles are also kid favorites. Residence Inn Hotels Enjoy waffles, even flavored varieties like strawberry and chocolate chip, along

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