


在庆祝她最好的朋友(和超级名模)Karlie Kloss的24岁生日时,Swift在2009年回归了她最喜欢的发型 – 交换她的光滑鲍勃以获得更自然的外观.

泰勒 Swift
Taylor Swift在2009年的左侧和2016年的右侧。看起来国家的卷发正在卷土重来!Getty Images,Startraks




由于很明显她的旧发型没有“坏血”,一些粉丝推测这可能标志着一些新的音乐 – 并且可能回归她的国家根源。毕竟,斯威夫特以改变她的外表来模仿她最新专辑的审美而臭名昭着.

Anna Wintour在Vogue中展示了Taylor Swift的新面貌,与Met Gala电影进行了对话



就像我们喜欢的“红唇经典之物”一样,有些东西 – 比如拥抱你的自然纹理 – 永远不会过时.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Taylor Swifts change in appearance, particularly her hairstyle, and how she has embraced her natural curls. Fans speculate that this may be a sign of new music to come, as Swift is known for changing her appearance to match her latest albums aesthetic. The article also encourages embracing ones natural texture, as it never goes out of style.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Taylor Swifts change in appearance, particularly her hairstyle, and how she has embraced her natural curls. Fans speculate that this may be a sign of new music to come, as Swift is known for changing her appearance to match her latest albums aesthetic. The article also encourages embracing ones natural texture, as it never goes out of style.

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