

Daenerys Targaryen,是吗?凡妮莎哈金斯冰冷的金色头发确实让我们想起了某种“权力的游戏”角色.

这位28岁的“So You Think You Can Dance”评委在周一晚上的一篇新Instagram帖子中首次亮相铂金锁,而粉丝 – 包括在评论中发布消防表情符号的Paris Hilton–正在给她一张批准印章.



就在过去一周的Instagram上,她摇摇欲坠的超级直发,穿过她的肚脐,在她的胸部切断了柔软的波浪,在MTV视频音乐奖上有一个简短而别致的动作。但大多数风格都是布鲁内特 – 直到现在.




在发布照片之后,哈金斯还拍摄了一段Instagram视频,一边唱着泰勒斯威夫特的新歌“看你做了我做什么”,同时运动着金发碧眼的’do。 “死于老TAYLOR lol#havewaytoomuchfun”她为这个帖子加了标题.


发型师Chad Wood感谢Hudgens在Instagram上总是让他玩。这两个人最近提出了一些非常值得注意的发型,包括最近的纹理作物和波涛汹涌的边缘.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Daenerys Targaryen, right? Vanessa Hudgens icy blonde hair does indeed remind us of a certain “Game of Thrones” character. The 28-year-old “So You Think You Can Dance” judge debuted platinum locks in a new Instagram post on Monday night, and fans – including Paris Hilton, who posted fire emojis in the comments – are giving her their stamp of approval.

    But this isnt the first time Hudgens has switched up her look; in fact, she does it often (sometimes with the help of wigs). Just last week on Instagram, she rocked super straight hair that reached her belly button, cut into soft waves at her chest, for a short and chic moment at the MTV Video Music Awards. But most of her styles have been brunette – until now.

    Considering her original hair is short, wed say this platinum look that reaches her chest is a wig. But even so, its one of her most drastic looks yet, and the actress/singer seems to be having fun with it. After posting the photo, Hudgens also filmed an Instagram video of herself singing Taylor Swifts new song “Look What You Made Me Do” while sporting the blonde do. “Dead. Lol #waytoomuchfun,” she captioned the post.

    Hairstylist Chad Wood thanks Hudgens for always letting him play on Instagram. The two have recently come up with some very noteworthy hairstyles, including the recent textured crop and wavy edges. Of course, this isnt Hudgens first time as a blonde bombshell, and it probably wont be her last.

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