



万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano

我和M∙A∙C化妆品的高级艺术家Caroline Hernandez合作,为如何将自己变成一只鹿的分步教程。这没什么!


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano

3.你希望你的眼睛看起来尽可能大和开放,所以在自然眼睛下面画一条黑线。如果你害怕弄乱线条,先用较浅的阴影画一条测试线,然后用黑色的奶油衬垫擦过它。我们在Blacktrack中使用了MAC Fluidline.

万圣节 makeup tutorial
你好,母鹿的眼睛!Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
谁知道“鹿脸颊”看起来很可爱?Azusa Takano

6.下一步,添加仿睫毛 – 即使在底部!我们在顶部使用MAC 44 Lash,在底部使用Mac 48 Lash。一旦加入底部睫毛,我立即感觉更像鹿.

万圣节 makeup tutorial
哦,鹿。这些睫毛凉爽!Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano

我的鹿雀斑是下一个,也许是这种外观最可爱的组成部分之一。我们使用浅米色铅笔衬里(Risqué的MAC Technakohl)绘制点,然后在每个点的顶部直接涂上白色眼影,用棉签涂抹.

万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano


万圣节 makeup tutorial
Azusa Takano

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “I will be the first to admit that Halloween makeup tutorials always intimidate me to an extreme degree, mainly because the idea of creating “art” on myself sounds impossible. I am in awe of how talented these YouTubers are in creating beautiful works on their own faces. So, I decided to face my fear and try a fairly easy Halloween idea this year: deer costume. The best part is that it looks intricate but I promise its very easy. Anyone can try it (with a bit of patience, of course). Azusa Takano and I collaborated with Caroline Hernandez, a senior artist at M∙A∙C cosmetics, to create a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn yourself into a deer. Its nothing! 1. Fill in your eyebrows to make them thick, defined, and facing towards your nose. We used MACs version in Stylized, but make sure to choose a shade similar to natural eyebrows. Azusa Takano 2. Apply mascara only on the upper lashes, then use black liquid liner to draw an exaggerated cat-eye. Draw it outwards to really open up your eyes. Azusa Takano 3. You want your eyes to look as big and open as possible, so draw a black line under your natural eye. If youre afraid of messing up the line, draw a test line with a lighter shade first, then go over it with black cream liner. We used MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack. Hello, doe eyes! Azusa Takano 4. For the perfect sweet deer nose, first draw a line on your eyebrows with brown eyeshadow and a brush. Then draw a brown line under your cheekbones to add definition. Its a bit like exaggerated contouring, you wont fully blend in. Azusa Takano For deer cheeks (so cute), you want a strong peachy blush. We used MAC powder blush in Peaches. Who knew “deer cheeks” could look so cute? Azusa Takano 6. Next, add false lashes – even on the bottom! We used MAC 44 Lash on top, and MAC 48 Lash on the bottom. Once the bottom lashes were added, I immediately felt more like a deer. Oh, deer. These lashes are cool! Azusa Takano 7. For

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