摄影课程NYC SALT教授高中生生活课程

摄影课程NYC SALT教授高中生生活课程


在纽约市,几名高中生在一个名为NYC SALT的课后计划中获得了终生难忘的经历。.



NYC SALT的创始人兼执行董事Alicia Hansen告诉TODAY的Erica Hill,该计划旨在“吸引,激励和授权高中学生进行数码摄影和大学预备”。


教师还帮助学生提供大学申请,经济资助和SAT / ACT准备。根据汉森的说法,自2011年第一次毕业班以来,每个纽约市的SALT学生都被录取.

“SALT不仅帮助我成为一名更好的摄影师,而且还帮助我成为一个更好的人,并且比以前更专业,”Malik Sidibe和NYC SALT学生说。.


也许最令人羞愧的部分是,有资格获得NYC SALT资格的学生可以免费获得指导和工作时间。对于这些学生来说,这不仅仅是一堂课,还远不止于此。 “SALT是家庭,”Sidibe说。 “每个人都互相关心。”


随着该计划的日益普及,汉森希望NYC SALT继续为学生提供“一种自信,理解社区,友谊和导师的重要性”。

而且她相信他们可以做任何他们想到的事情。 “他们周围都有机会,他们只需抓住它。”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but photographers are not always the first subject you pay attention to. In New York City, several high school students have had a lifelong experience in an after-school program called NYC SALT. The photography course offered to high school students goes beyond the lens. NYC SALTs founder and executive director, Alicia Hansen, told TODAYs Erica Hill that the program aims to “attract, motivate, and empower high school students to engage in digital photography and college preparation.” The program lasts 35 weeks and brings together 16 New York City students aged 14-19 who are eligible for free or reduced lunch. There is a rigorous application and interview process, and once selected, students spend at least two afternoons a week working in the lab, using different computer editing software and learning from experts in the field, many of whom volunteer their time. Teachers also help students with college applications, financial aid, and SAT/ACT preparation. According to Hansen, every NYC SALT student has been accepted since the first graduating class in 2011. “SALT not only helped me become a better photographer, but also helped me become a better person, and more professional than before,” said Malik Sidibe, an NYC SALT student. In the program, students are encouraged to challenge themselves through various projects, taking abstract photos, portraits, and cityscapes. Perhaps the most shameful part is that students eligible for NYC SALT can receive free guidance and work time. For these students, this is not just a class, but much more. “SALT is a family,” Sidibe said. “Everyone cares about each other.” Everyone in SALT learns the skills of photography and storytelling, but it is clear that this project has done a lot of work to help these often first-generation college students discover their potential. As the program becomes more popular, Hansen hopes NYC SALT will continue to provide students with “confidence, understanding of community, friendship, and the importance of mentors.” And she believes they can do anything they want. “They have opportunities around them, they just need to seize them.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but photographers are not always the first subject you pay attention to. In New York City, several high school students have had a lifelong experience in an after-school program called NYC SALT. The photography course offered to high school students goes beyond the lens. NYC SALTs founder and executive director, Alicia Hansen, told TODAYs Erica Hill that the program aims to “attract, motivate, and empower high school students to engage in digital photography and college preparation.” The program lasts 35 weeks and brings together 16 New York City students aged 14-19 who are eligible for free or reduced lunch. There is a rigorous application and interview process, and once selected, students spend at least two afternoons a week working in the lab, using different computer editing software and learning from experts in the field, many of whom volunteer their time. Teachers also help students with college applications, financial aid, and SAT/ACT preparation. According to Hansen, every NYC SALT student has been accepted since the first graduating class in 2011. “SALT not only helped me become a better photographer, but also helped me become a better person, and more professional than before,” said Malik Sidibe, an NYC SALT student. In the program, students are encouraged to challenge themselves through various projects, taking abstract photos, portraits, and cityscapes. Perhaps the most shameful part is that students eligible for NYC SALT can receive free guidance and work time. For these students, this is not just a class, but much more. “SALT is a family,” Sidibe said. “Everyone cares about each other.” Everyone in SALT learns the skills of photography and storytelling, but it is clear that this project has done a lot of work to help these often first-generation college students discover their potential. As the program becomes more popular, Hansen hopes NYC SALT will continue to provide students with “confidence, understanding of community, friendship, and the importance of mentors.” And she believes they can do anything they want. “They have opportunities around them, they just need to seize them.”

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