في سن ال 50 ، ترحب المغنية صوفي ب. هوكينز ابنة استير Ballantine

في سن ال 50 ، ترحب المغنية صوفي ب. هوكينز ابنة استير Ballantine

تهانينا لصوفي ب. هوكينز ، التي رحبت بطفلها الثاني هذا الأسبوع.

المغني وكاتب الاغاني ، الذي اشتهر بـ “ضربات التسعينات” لعنة “أتمنى لو كنت حبيبتك” و “بينما أنا أرقدني” ، أنجبت فتاة – إستر بالانتاين هوكينز – يوم الثلاثاء. هوكينز ، 50 عاما ، لديه ابن عمره 6 سنوات ، داشيل.

“أنا و Dashiell نشعر بخيبة أمل أن نكون مع فتاتنا الجميلة ؛ عائلتنا اكتملت الآن!” قالت الأم الفخور لـ TODAY في بيان.

ولدت استر الصغيرة ، التي ولدت بوزن 8 باوند ، في مستشفى نيويورك برسبتيريان ، وهو نفس المستشفى الذي ولد فيه هوكينز قبل نصف قرن – وهي حقيقة مسلية أن أم اثنين من تويتر قد تعلمت.

أعلنت هوكينز أنها حامل في شهر فبراير ، بعد خضوعها للتخصيب في المختبر مع أجنة جمدتها قبل 20 عامًا تقريبًا.

“لقد تحدثت ، كما تعلم ، مع طبيب خصوبة في نيويورك” ، كشف هوكينز عندما زارت مؤخرا TODAY. “وقالت ،” أنت كبير في السن. ” وقلت ، “هذه هي النقطة”. “ابني لديه أم عجوز. لماذا لا أستطيع أن أعطي له شخصًا صغيرًا ليكون عائلته لبقية حياته” ، قالت لـ TODAY.

أضاف هوكينز: “قالت طبيبة هوكينز: أنا أكون الحامل الأكثر صحة. كان بإمكاني أن أكون في الثلاثين من العمر وأصبح لدي المزيد من المشاكل. في عمر الخمسين ، لا أواجه أي مشاكل”.

شاهد المزيد من خلال مقابلة TODAY لها أدناه.

تشارك المغنية صوفي ب. هوكينز نظرة على الحمل في سن الخمسين


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  1. Congratulations to Sophie B. Hawkins on welcoming her second child this week! The singer and songwriter, famous for hits like “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover” and “As I Lay Me Down,” gave birth to a daughter – Esther Ballantine Hawkins – on Tuesday. Hawkins, 50, also has a six-year-old son, Dashiell. “Dashiell and I are over the moon to be with our beautiful girl; our family is complete now!” the proud mother told TODAY in a statement. Esther, who was born weighing 8 pounds, was delivered at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the same hospital where Hawkins was born half a century ago – a fun fact that two Twitter users have learned. “I was born here too!” Hawkins tweeted. Hawkins announced that she was pregnant in February, after undergoing fertility treatments with embryos frozen nearly 20 years ago. “I spoke, as you know, with a fertility doctor in New York,” Hawkins revealed when she recently visited TODAY. “And she said, Youre old. And I said, Thats the point. My son has an old mom. Why cant I give him a little sibling to be his family for the rest of his life?” Hawkins added: “The doctor said, Im going to be the healthiest pregnant woman youve ever seen. I could be 30 and have more problems. At 50, Im not facing any problems.” Watch more through her TODAY interview below.

  2. Congratulations to Sophie B. Hawkins on welcoming her second child this week! The singer and songwriter, famous for hits like “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover” and “As I Lay Me Down,” gave birth to a daughter – Esther Ballantine Hawkins – on Tuesday. Hawkins, 50, also has a six-year-old son, Dashiell. “Dashiell and I are over the moon to be with our beautiful girl; our family is complete now!” the proud mother told TODAY in a statement. Esther, who was born weighing 8 pounds, was delivered at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the same hospital where Hawkins was born half a century ago – a fun fact that two Twitter users have learned. “I was born here too!” Hawkins tweeted. Hawkins announced that she was pregnant in February, after undergoing fertility treatments in the lab with embryos frozen nearly 20 years ago. “I spoke, as you know, with a fertility doctor in New York,” Hawkins revealed when she recently visited TODAY. “And she said, Youre old. And I said, Thats the point. My son has an old mom. Why cant I give him a little sibling to be his family for the rest of his life?” she told TODAY. Hawkins added: “The doctor said, Im going to make you the healthiest pregnant woman. I could have been in my thirties and had more problems. At 50, Im not facing any problems.” Watch more through her TODAY interview below.

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