





即将到来 – 绝对可爱的一个顺序.

阿曼达·马西林斯基(Amanda Macielinski)在今日育儿队(TODAY Parenting Team)上分享了她女儿打扮成寿司的照片,我们认为这个小女孩很可爱,直到她的筷子头带.

永远不要错过TODAY Parenting时事通讯的育儿故事!在此注册.

附在白色连体衣上的毛毡切口使这个可爱的婴儿像一个寿司卷。添加一些黑色紧身衣,以保持宝宝温暖,同时捣蛋,你有一顿甜餐 – 酱油面可选.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages. Heres the translation of the text into English:

    “Every day in October, we bring you Halloween costume inspiration from the TODAY Parenting Team. Our parents share their favorite costumes, whether its awe-inspiring DIY creations or quick and easy store-bought solutions. Isnt this what makes little goblins happy? We add new costume ideas to this page every day and invite you to share your own Halloween photos and stories with the TODAY Parenting Team. October 14th: Baby Sushi. Amanda Macielinski is coming – absolutely adorable in sequence. Amanda Macielinski shared a photo of her daughter dressed as sushi on the TODAY Parenting Team, and we think this little girl is cute until her chopstick headband. Never miss a parenting story from TODAY Parenting Newsletter! Register here. The felt cutouts attached to the white onesie make this cute baby look like a sushi roll. Add some black leggings to keep the baby warm and mischievous, and you have a sweet meal – soy sauce noodles optional.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages. Heres the translation of the text into English:

    “Every day in October, we bring you Halloween costume inspiration from the TODAY Parenting Team. Our parents share their favorite costumes, whether its awe-inspiring DIY creations or quick and easy store-bought solutions. Isnt that what makes little goblins happy? We add new costume ideas to this page every day and invite you to share your own Halloween photos and stories with the TODAY Parenting Team. On October 14th: Baby Sushi. Amanda Macielinski is coming – absolutely adorable in sequence. Amanda Macielinski shared a photo of her daughter dressed as sushi on the TODAY Parenting Team, and we think this little girl is cute until her chopstick headband. Never miss a parenting story from TODAY Parenting Newsletter! Register here. The felt slits attached to the white onesie make this cute baby look like a sushi roll. Add some black leggings to keep the baby warm and mischievous, and you have a sweet meal – soy sauce noodles optional.”

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