



第一 birthday cake smash
“我认为对于成长中的女孩来说,重要的是她们不是唯一经历艰难时期的女孩,”凯瑟琳的妈妈Aimee Kadehjian说。.茱莉亚之路的妮可斯塔尔摄影


“通常他们会等到婴儿3个月大(在安排心脏直视手术之前),”Harper的母亲Michele McAdoo-Kalnicki告诉TODAY。 “但他们都没有做到那么远。”

McAdoo-Kalnicki解释说,经过六周Harper未能增加体重 – 这是先天性心脏病的常见症状 – 她别无选择,只能选择手术.

Baby Mae经历了类似的情况.

妮可 Starr
“第一个生日总是非常特别,值得庆祝,”Mae的妈妈,Cristina Colanti说.妮可斯塔尔摄影和朱莉娅的方式

“最困难的部分是没有时间表,”Mae的母亲,Cristina Colanti告诉今天。 “我们在产前知道Mae患有唐氏综合症,并且她在生命的前六个月需要进行心脏手术,但我们不知道在医院里会有那么多时间。”


“我们同时在同一楼层医院,但我们不知道,”凯瑟琳的妈妈Aimee Kadehjian告诉今天。 “凯特在10周时进行了心脏直视手术,并在医院度过了80天。”

当McAdoo-Kalnicki,Colanti和Kadehjian从未在波士顿儿童医院的大厅里相遇时,他们被一个名为Julia’s Way的非盈利组织聚集在一起,与Nicole Starr Photography合影。拍摄的重点是唐氏综合症婴儿和母乳喂养,旨在表明孩子们能够做正常的事情.


妮可 Starr Photography and Julia's Way
“我甚至不记得在医院看到他们,”McAdoo-Kalnicki说。 “但我们同时都在心脏ICU。”妮可斯塔尔摄影和朱莉娅的方式

“这是一个很好的支持系统,让一个人经历过与你非常相似的经历,”Kadehjian告诉TODAY。 “而且能够看到他们走了多远 – 有一个人确切地知道他们到达那里的经历是很好的。”


“能够在不同的层面上开放和与他们交谈是很好的,”科兰蒂说。 “克服这些事情,并且知道经历过几乎完全相同的事情的人 – 这只是一种非常独特的联系和关系。其他人根本不了解同一级别。“

妮可 Starr Photography and Julia's Way


“这对我们所有人来说都非常重要 – 第一个生日总是非常特别,值得庆祝,”科兰蒂说。 “但是我们的女孩在第一年经历的比一些人一生中经历的更多。”




“我们只是如此情绪化才能达到这一点,”科兰蒂说。 “这是对我们孩子们的庆祝。”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it seems to be written in English. The article talks about Harper, Mae, and Catherine, three girls with Down syndrome who recently celebrated their first birthday with a sweet cake. Despite being born with congenital heart disease, they underwent heart surgery at Boston Childrens Hospital and spent weeks in the same hospital room. Their mothers, who met through a non-profit organization called Julias Way, found comfort and support in each others similar experiences. They decided to celebrate their daughters first birthday together with a special cake named “Three Hearts in One.” The article highlights the importance of having a support system and connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it seems to be written in English. The article talks about Harper, Mae, and Catherine, three girls with Down syndrome who recently celebrated their first birthday with a sweet cake. Despite being born with congenital heart disease, they underwent heart surgery at Boston Childrens Hospital and spent weeks in the same hospital room. Their mothers, who met through a non-profit organization called Julias Way, found comfort and support in each others similar experiences. They decided to celebrate their daughters first birthday together with a special cake named “Three Hearts in One.” The article highlights the importance of having a support system and connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences.

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