

短发,不在乎!这就是艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)这几天的签名.


艾玛 Stone Vogue
艾玛斯通在11月的Vogue封面上Mert Alas和Marcus Piggott / Vogue



艾玛 Stone Vogue
石头运动更熟悉的发型Mert Alas和Marcus Piggott / Vogue

相关:Mindy Kaling砍掉她的头发!看到她别致的长鲍勃


艾玛 Stone Vogue
这看起来像是假发吗??Mert Alas和Marcus Piggott / Vogue


艾玛 Stone
另一种寻找石头:深棕色头发DOBN / RMBI / AKM-GSI


艾玛 Stone
Stone的铂金色外观EVGA / AKM-GSI

虽然还没有关于封面明星的消息 理发后,我们不得不说Stone看起来非常华丽,任何风格!短或长,黑发,金发或红色,似乎她的头发没有错.

如何像Gina Rodriguez,Amy Poehler那样获得电视明星般的发型


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “Short hair, dont care! This is Emma Stones signature these days. The 27-year-old actress added a brand new short hairstyle to the cover of Vogues November issue, which is completely different from her signature fashion pendant (long hair). And we have to say, we absolutely love this little elf hairstyle, just like Mia Farrow that day. It really makes the stars green eyes pop. Another photo of Stone in circulation shows her experiencing her usual retro waves. Perhaps this photo was taken before the cover was shot? Stones more familiar hairstyle. The third photo shows her with a bangs-inspired, super short black bob, which makes us believe that all these beautiful magic can come from wigs. Does this look like a wig? However, this is not the first time the actress has tried to live on the dark side. As early as April, she was found in Malibu with a full brown bob with blunt hair. Then in May, she went in a whole new direction with a platinum blonde bob. Although there is no news about the cover star after the haircut, we have to say that Stone looks gorgeous in any style! Short or long, black, blonde or red, it seems that her hair is never wrong.”

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