Sundance的所有名人都喜欢这些价格低廉的雪地靴 2023




Sorel’Crazy Joan’黑色雪地靴

$ 105山偷

早在一月份,这款防水运动鞋靴子就发现了几位名人。首先,看看微笑的Maggie Gyllenhaal和Hilary Swank,他们在Park City的白雪覆盖的街道上玩耍.

在内部,R&B歌手艾布拉和女演员Lolli Sorensen在IMDB工作室穿着同样的一双,Armie Hammer,Debra Messing,Octavia Spencer和Common也在Sorel靴子中进行社交活动.

SOREL Style Around Park City - Day 2 - Park City 2023
PARK CITY,UT – 1月20日:女演员Maggie Gyllenhaal在SOREL样式被看见在公园城市 – 2023年1月20日的第2天在公园市,犹他。 (摄影:J。Merritt / Getty Images for SOREL)J. Merritt / Getty Images for SOREL

明星似乎更喜欢黑色和白色的颜色,但亚马逊,Zappos和Nordstrom的靴子也有灰色,卡其色和绿色搭配时髦的粉红色鞋带。 Cozy Joan Celebration靴子(现价105美元)与此相似,但配有更加实质的人造皮草饰边。 (“The Big Sick”的明星Zoe Kazan在节日之前抵达盐湖城国际机场。)


SOREL Style Around Park City - Day 2 - Park City 2023
PARK CITY,UT – 1月20日:希拉里·斯旺克在SOREL样式被看见在公园城市 – 2023年1月20日的第2天在公园市,犹他。 (摄影:J。Merritt / Getty Images for SOREL)J. Merritt / Getty Images for SOREL

Cozy Joan在Sorel 2023秋季系列中首次亮相,根据亚马逊的评论(平均4.2星),粉丝们发现它们适合穿着从冰岛到德国,魁北克和纽约的各地。一位狂热的五星评论来自一家邮递员,他说尽管踩着水坑和雪,他们仍然保持干爽.




Sorel’Crazy Joan’雪地靴,灰色

$ 98Zappos的

Mountain Steals提供25%的黑色搭配.

Sorel’Crazy Joan’黑色雪地靴

$ 105山偷

Shoes.com现有Cozy Joan x Celebration靴子35%的折扣。 Sorel网站提供更多尺寸.

Sorel Cozy Joan X庆典雪地靴



1. Kingshow女装Globalwin防水冬靴


$ 54亚马逊



Columbia Ice Maiden II Boots

$ 55亚马逊


3. GLOBALWIN女士防水冬季雪地靴


$ 22亚马逊


4. GLOBALWIN女装1632黑灰色雪地靴

GLOBALWIN 1632黑灰色雪地靴

$ 26亚马逊


5. DREAM PAIRS女装北方人造毛皮中腰小牛冬季雪地靴


$ 25亚马逊

原价45美元,Dream Pairs这些绝缘靴目前44%折扣!有几种颜色采用拉链式设计,因此它们可以随时随地滑动.


  布莱克·莱弗利(Blake Lively)从Old Navy摇滚40美元的牛仔裤 - 现在我们想要一双

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    “They may look like superheroes, but celebrities also feel the cold in winter. So, which pair of snow boots do they pair with high heels? According to what we saw at the Sundance Film Festival this year, its Sorels comfortable Joan. Todays editors, writers, and experts will carefully recommend products we truly love, hoping you will too! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So, while each product is independently chosen, if you buy a product through our link, we may earn a small portion of revenue. Sorels Crazy Joan black snow boots $105 at Mountain Steals. As early as January, several celebrities were spotted wearing these waterproof sports boots. First, take a look at smiling Maggie Gyllenhaal and Hilary Swank, playing on the snow-covered streets of Park City. Inside, R&B singer Ebra and actress Lolli Sorensen wore the same pair at the IMDB studio, while Armie Hammer, Debra Messing, Octavia Spencer, and Common also socialized in Sorel boots. Stars seem to prefer black and white colors, but Amazon, Zappos, and Nordstroms boots also come in gray, khaki, and green with fashionable pink laces. The Cozy Joan Celebration boots ($105) are similar but come with more substantial faux fur trim. So, what makes this boot so popular on the winter red carpet? Its waterproof. Its insulated. Its breathable. And its stylish, thanks to leather, suede, and faux fur components. Cozy Joan first appeared in Sorels 2017 fall collection, and according to Amazon reviews (average 4.2 stars), fans found them suitable for wearing from Iceland to Germany, Quebec, and New York. One enthusiastic five-star review came from a mailman who said they stayed dry despite stepping in puddles and snow. Also, note: most reviews say to go up half a size from normal. The best part? These boots were originally $140, but many websites now offer up to 35% off as part of winter sales! Now is the best time to invest for next year. But considering winter technically doesnt end until March 20, you may need them sooner than you think. Zappos and Amazon offer

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