

太 chic: Keira Knightley married James Righton in cute flats at the French provencal village of Mazan, on May 4, 2013.
太可爱了:Keira Knightley于2013年5月4日在法国Mazan村庄的别致公寓里与James Righton结婚.Spread / X17online.com /今天


最近,女演员凯拉·奈特(Keira Knightly)将音乐家詹姆斯·莱顿(James Righton)与无肩带粉红色香奈儿(Chanel)连衣裙和夹克结婚,并由法国房子制作的一对芭蕾平底鞋完成。女性和狡猾的外观一直在增长.

纽约市房地产开发商Pamela Horn告诉TODAY.com,“我穿着平底鞋(对我的婚礼),因为我想要舒服,我觉得不用担心这件事。” 2012年Horn的Cape Cod仪式在轻微的沙地上举行,需要简单的银色Ralph Lauren凉鞋搭配她的地板长裙.


总部位于纽约的Poughkeepsie奶酪制造商Audrey Aponte为她的7月婚礼购买了一对金属TOMS套装,因为它显而易见的舒适因素以及它们为她的象牙妮可米勒礼服增添的微微光泽.

“我是5’10”,我不需要高度,“她说。 “婚礼在缅因州波特兰的一个农场举行,所以这不是超级正式的。”


服装设计师和造型师Emily Morgan DeAngelis穿着芭蕾平底鞋参加2006年在密歇根州大急流城举行的婚礼,并在过去的一年里为各种单位的新娘穿着。最近,她穿着希腊风格的礼服搭配金色系带凉鞋,为新娘穿上衣服.


洛杉矶新娘礼宾The Bridal Bar的老板Harmony Walton表示,公寓原本是一个选择,因为新娘不想比新郎高。 (她应该知道 – 她参与了凯蒂·赫尔姆斯和汤姆·克鲁斯2006年的婚礼,其中福尔摩斯穿着平底鞋。)然而,他们已经发展成为一个宣言片。.



甜 and comfy: Tieks in ballerina pink and metallic TOMS slip-ons in white.


“新娘很容易与伴娘礼服协调他们的平底鞋,”Tieks的婚礼协调员Amanda Cogswell告诉TODAY.com。一些流行的颜色选择包括金属金(“单身女郎”明星阿什利赫伯特为她的伴娘选择),芭蕾舞女演员粉红色和奶油色.

Cogswell补充说,她最近与一位新娘合作,为每位伴娘选择各种颜色以配合他们的个性。 “从霓虹灯到闪光,她想确保女孩们拥有自己喜欢的颜色,为婚礼派对增添趣味。”

凯特琳 O'Brient Bauer, owner of social media marketing company, Royal Social Media, opted for
社交媒体营销公司Royal Social Media的老板Caitlin O’Brient Bauer选择了她的Tieks鞋“蓝色”.今天


“我非常讨厌穿高跟鞋,”Caitlin O’Brient Bauer说,她是洛杉矶一家社交媒体营销公司的老板,该公司于2011年以蓝色Tieks结婚。 “他们很舒服,很漂亮,而且很容易搬进来…而且他们肯定是为了一些壮观的舞鞋。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article discusses the trend of brides opting for flat shoes instead of high heels for their wedding day. It mentions Keira Knightleys wedding where she wore ballet flats with her Chanel dress and jacket. The article also talks about the comfort and functionality of flat shoes and how they can add personality to a brides outfit. The trend has become so popular that even brands like TOMS and Tieks have started producing comfortable leather ballet flats in various colors for brides and bridesmaids. Overall, the article highlights the growing trend of brides choosing comfort and style over tradition on their wedding day.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article discusses the trend of brides opting for flat shoes instead of high heels for their wedding day. It mentions Keira Knightleys wedding where she wore ballet flats with her Chanel dress and jacket. The article also highlights the comfort and functionality of flat shoes, as well as the added personality they bring to a brides outfit. The trend has become so popular that even brands like TOMS and Tieks have started producing comfortable leather ballet flats in various colors for brides and bridesmaids. Overall, the article celebrates the idea of brides being comfortable and true to their personal style on their wedding day.

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