



幸运的是,Markle的发型师和化妆师Lydia Sellers与Refinery29进行了交谈,分享了她的一些产品,以帮助未来的皇室成员获得光滑的质感和新鲜的吹气棒反弹。我们将她最喜欢的所有产品和一些较便宜的产品放在一起,这些产品可以帮助您获得外观!

KérastaseNutritiveOléo-Relax Serum,31美元,Walmart


Kerastase Nutritive Oleo-Relax Serum,4.2盎司

$ 32个亚马逊

也可以32美元起 亚马逊, 40美元 卡诗 和38美元 沃尔格林

卖家分享了Markle使用KérastaseOléo-Relax系列来抚平她自然卷曲的头发,并实现我们经常羡慕的柔滑,柔软的井喷。 “Kerestasé放松治疗有助于保持一切顺畅,”塞勒斯说。然而,血清将使你回到约32美元,而该系列的修复面膜价格约为44美元.

ApotheCare Essentials The Mender Hair Repair Oil,10美元,亚马逊

ApotheCARE Essentials Mender头发修复油

$ 10亚马逊

也可以11美元起 沃尔玛(Walmart), 13美元(或20美元两个) 沃尔格林 还有13美元 CVS

为了达到同样的效果,请选择这款ApotheCare Essentials头发修复油,由多种滋养油制成,如葡萄籽,甜杏仁和鳄梨,有助于补充和滋养最干燥的头发。在吹干前或在干燥的末端涂抹湿锁,为任何外观创造光滑,有光泽的表面.

Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray,46美元,亚马逊

Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray

$ 46亚马逊

也可以在46美元起 诺德斯特龙, 内曼马库斯 桦木盒

这款轻质干喷雾喷雾可使头发更丰盈,即使是最扁平的线条也能带来一丝质感和波浪感。在干燥的头发上,卖家从这种Oribe喷雾剂开始“准备她的头发,只是为了给它提升。”如果您对高价格保持警惕,可以试试Garnier Fructis Style Texture Tease,一种类似的干喷雾,可以将无毛的头发提升到新的高度。.

Bumble和Bumble Thicken加厚Dryspun完成,28美元,亚马逊

Bumble和Bumble Thicken加上Dryspun完成,4盎司

$ 28日亚马逊

也可以在31美元起 丝芙兰, Bumble和Bumble 桦木盒



Kevin Murphy再次光滑,6.7盎司

$ 39亚马逊

也可以45美元起 亚马逊.

“她总是带着干燥的头发到达(约会),所以我们只是用水雾化它并重新调整它,”塞勒斯说。但是,在她给马克尔一个全面清洗和吹干的日子里,她会找到凯文墨菲的Smooth Again,这是一种柔滑的免洗护理,旨在营造丝滑质地,消除毛躁,保护锁定免受热.

Pantene Pro-VBBCrème造型护理,5美元,亚马逊

Pantene Pro-VBBCrème定型护理,5.1液体盎司

$ 5亚马逊

也可以5美元起 沃尔玛(Walmart), 以及6美元的价格 目标 床浴和超越.

如果想要更便宜的替代品,可以尝试Pantene Pro-V的BB霜,这是一种多任务处理,可以在头发湿润的时候梳理头发,使头发更柔软,更光滑,并且可以将头发放在正上方!

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    Unless youve been living under a rock, you know that the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle happened. With constant coverage of the former “Suits” actress and her soon-to-be husband, its hard not to envy Markles glowing complexion and flawless, smooth locks. Luckily, Markles hairstylist and makeup artist Lydia Sellers spoke with Refinery29 and shared some of her products to help future royal members achieve smooth texture and fresh blowout bounce. Weve put together all of her favorite products and some cheaper options that can help you achieve the look!

    Kérastase Nutritive Oleo-Relax Serum, $31, Walmart

    Todays editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we really like, and hope youll enjoy! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So while each product is independently selected, if you buy a product through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue.

    Kerastase Nutritive Oleo-Relax Serum, 4.2 oz $32, Amazon

    Also available for $32 Amazon, $40 Kerastase, and $38 Walgreens. Sellers shared that Markle uses the Kérastase Oléo-Relax line to smooth out her natural curls and achieve the silky, soft explosion we often envy. “Kerestasé Relaxing Treatment helps keep everything smooth,” says Sellers. However, the serum will set you back around $32, while the restorative mask from the line is priced at around $44.

    ApotheCARE Essentials Mender Hair Repair Oil, $10, Amazon

    Also available for $11 Walmart, $13 (or $20 for two) Walgreens, and $13 CVS. For the same effect, choose this ApotheCare Essentials Hair Repair Oil, made with a blend of nourishing oils like grape seed, sweet almond, and avocado to help replenish and nourish even the driest hair. Apply to wet locks before blow-drying or on dry ends to create a smooth, shiny surface for any look.

    Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray, $46, Amazon

    Also available for $46 Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Birchbox. This lightweight dry spray can make hair fuller and bring a touch of

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