

一名女子在波士顿马拉松爆炸案中失去了一条腿并且从此成为截肢者的倡导者,最近做了一件她从未想过会实现的事情 – 她走进了她的第一场时装秀.

Adrianne Haslet是一名前职业舞厅舞者,他的左腿在2013年4月的袭击中被吹走,在温哥华时装周上开设了Lesley Hampton最近的节目。她用一件纯粹的黑白迷你裙str她的东西,这是设计师的一个有目的的决定,他想炫耀Haslet的假腿.

“这太棒了,”36岁的Haslet告诉TODAY Style。 “我捏造自己并想,’这不是真的。这不可能是真的。’”

阿德里安娜 Haslet walking in Lesley Hampton's show at Vancouver Fashion Week
2023年3月24日,Adrianne Haslet在Lesley Hampton的温哥华时装周秀上登台亮相. 西蒙阿姆斯特朗

汉普顿是一位居住在多伦多的年轻设计师,长期以来一直倡导时尚的包容性 – 她也因为在她的秀场上发送加大码模特而受到称赞.

“我的品牌非常关注身体多样性,并将不同的身体带到跑道上,”汉普顿告诉TODAY Style。 “我的特色是变性模型,脱发模型。”



“她发生了这件可怕的事情,基本上医生告诉她你再也不会跳舞了,”22岁的汉普顿说。 “最让我感到鼓舞的是她拒绝说话,我会再次跳舞,我会做我以前做过的一切。”

阿德里安娜 Haslet walking in Lesley Hampton's show at Vancouver Fashion Week
在最近的时装秀之后,莱斯利汉普顿和她的模特一起走上了T台. 西蒙阿姆斯特朗


“我说,’我很荣幸,我很乐意参加,非常感谢你想到我,并展示了需要在媒体上展示的其他体型,特别是在跑道上,’”Haslet说过。 “我立刻感情用事,因为我知道我不仅仅是为我而行,而是为了那些想要被称为性感的截肢者而走路。我们没有什么不同。没有我们和他们 – 我们都是人“。



“我事先在后台哭了,”她说。 “(之后)我下楼看到了我的家人,我们都庆祝,这真的很情绪化。”


她认为这是打破截肢者刻板印象的一小步,并证明像她一样的人可以在任何行业中脱颖而出 – 这是她近四年前在波士顿一家医院没有左腿醒来时的问题.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English:

    A woman who lost her leg in the Boston Marathon bombing and became an advocate for amputees recently did something she never thought she would do – she walked in her first fashion show. Adrianne Haslet, a former professional ballroom dancer who had her left leg blown off in the April 2013 attack, debuted in Lesley Hamptons latest show at Vancouver Fashion Week. She wore a pure black and white mini dress, a deliberate decision by the designer to showcase Haslets prosthetic leg. “This is amazing,” the 36-year-old Haslet told TODAY Style. “I pinched myself and thought, This isnt real. This cant be real.” Hampton, a young designer based in Toronto, has long advocated for fashion inclusivity – she was also praised for sending plus-size models down her runway. “My brand is very focused on body diversity and bringing different bodies to the runway,” Hampton told TODAY Style. “My signature is trans models, bald models.” She recently read an article about Haslet, who ranked third in the world in ballroom dancing before the attack and appeared on “Dancing with the Stars” and ran the 2016 Boston Marathon, and was interested in having her in her show. “She went through this terrible thing where doctors basically told her she would never dance again,” the 22-year-old Hampton said. “Whats most inspiring to me is that she refused to say, Im never going to dance again, Im never going to do what I used to do.” After the recent fashion show, Leslie Hampton and her models took to the runway with Haslet. She sent Haslet an email, which she responded to almost immediately. “I said, Im honored, Im happy to participate, thank you so much for thinking of me and showcasing other body types that need to be shown in the media, especially on the runway,” Haslet said. “I got emotional right away because I know Im not just doing this for me, Im doing this for amputees who want to be called sexy. Were not different. Theres no us and them – were all people.” Haslet, who lives in Boston, flew to Vancouver for the show, with her parents coming from Seattle. “I cried backstage beforehand,” she

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