

我们将把主要的发辫留给专家,但可以在您自己的家中舒适地进行小修剪或爆炸更新。我们自己的Ambush Makeover头发专家之一,Louis Licari沙龙的Arsen Gurgov,分享了你可以自己做的专业级发型的秘诀.




  1. 你的发刷很重要!一定要投资一个伟大的,像梅森皮尔逊.
  2. 向前倾斜头部并翻转头发,确保头部朝中.
  3. 收集两端并直接切开。当你翻转头时,你将保持长度,但添加一些讨人喜欢的层.




  1. 诀窍是使用 切割用具。修剪剪刀,带有牙齿的特殊剪刀,将有助于实现不太钝或刺耳的外观.
  2. 大多数人在切割时会本能地保持下巴,但是要努力对抗这种冲动并保持下巴以获得最精确的修剪.
  3. 使用粉红色的剪刀在下来的路上创造羽毛运动.




  1. 对于初学者来说,让你的孩子在你坐着的时候站立,这样你的头发处于眼睛水平.
  2. 将头发分成三部分,中心从背部落下.
  3. 在他或她背对着你的情况下,让他或她俯视肚脐并直接切开中间部分.
  4. 让他或她面对你,并向一边看切边。然后在对面和你的套装上做同样的事情!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “We will leave the main hair styling to the experts, but you can comfortably do small trims or updates at home. One of our own Ambush Makeover hair experts, Arsen Gurgov from Louis Licari Salon, shares the secrets of professional-level hairstyles that you can do yourself. Do you dare to cut your own hair? Here are three tips to do it right. How to cut long layers: Your hairbrush is important! Invest in a great one, like Mason Pearson. Tilt your head forward and flip your hair, making sure your head is facing the center. Gather both ends and cut straight across. When you flip your head back, you will keep the length but add some desirable layers. Related: Using the wrong hairbrush? Find the perfect match with this guide. How to trim your own bangs: The trick is to use cutting tools. Trimming scissors with teeth will help achieve a less blunt or jagged look. Most people instinctively keep their chin down when cutting, but try to resist this urge and keep your chin up for the most precise trim. Use pink scissors to create feathering movement on the way down. Related: Bangs or no bangs? How this hairstyle decision affects your dating life. How to cut your childs hair: For beginners, have your child stand while you sit, so your hair is at eye level. Divide the hair into three sections, with the center falling from the back. With him or her facing away from you, have them look down at their belly button and cut straight across the middle section. Have them face you and look to one side to cut the side edges. Then do the same thing on the opposite side and back. Fixed on Pinterest.”

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