




“由于大面积的阳光伤害,皮肤中的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白会分解。随着时间的推移,这会使皮肤看起来像是从缺乏的胶原蛋白精确定位的凹坑,类似于橙色的表面,”McLean Dermatology的Lily Talakoub博士说。今天的风格。她注意到这些酒窝在你的下巴上更加明显,肌肉非常强壮。(至于术语本身,Talakoub说它已经至少10岁了,但是她注意到患者最近经常使用它。)


真正的成败因素?你多久烤一次脸:年轻人受到的阳光伤害越多,你就越有可能在以后的生活中用橘皮皮付出代价。这是为什么定期为SPF 50添加泡沫很重要的另一个原因.



如果你的皮肤开始形成这些果皮般的凹坑,你的第一种治疗方法是重建胶原蛋白。即使是最昂贵的外用乳液和药水也无法逆转多年的阳光伤害,因此最好的办法是使用家用微型刺激仪来刺激胶原蛋白的发育,或者前往皮肤科医生进行射频治疗,如Thermismooth,到Talakoub。最重要的是要记住,这些治疗需要时间。 “需要数年才能破坏胶原蛋白,重建它需要几个月的时间,”她解释道.



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纽约市Schweiger皮肤病学研究所的Rachel Nazarian博士告诉TODAY,“称为毛发松弛症,毛囊堵塞了一种叫做角蛋白的物质 – 会导致形成粗糙的肿块”。 “偶尔人们可能会发现病情发痒,但通常没有任何症状,这只是一个美学问题。”她建议避免使用任何刺激性的肥皂或磨砂膏,这样会使凹凸看起来(并且可能会感觉更糟),坚持温和的洗涤和外用乳霜.

Dove Beauty Bar,敏感肌肤

$ 20亚马逊

KP Elements Keratosis Pilaris护理霜和磨砂组合包

$ 60亚马逊

CeraVe Renewing SA霜身体保湿霜,适合粗糙和凹凸不平的皮肤

$ 15亚马逊




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    Orange peel in our cocktails is more enjoyable than on our faces. Skin care advertisements often say that “silky smooth” is the ideal texture, but if your face looks and feels more like the rough exterior of a fruit, like a soft babys bottom, dont panic. You may be dealing with something called “orange peel skin.” Although it is not a scientific phrase technically, “orange peel skin” is a blanket term used to describe tiny bumps and grassy patches that make your face look like the skin of an orange. So, what gives? “Due to extensive sun damage, collagen and elastin in the skin break down. Over time, this can make the skin look like pitted orange surface from the lack of collagen pinpointing,” says Dr. Lily Talakoub of McLean Dermatology. She notes that these dimples are more pronounced on your chin and with strong muscles. (As for the term itself, Talakoub says its at least 10 years old, but shes noticed patients using it more frequently lately.) Apart from the annoying aesthetic condition, theres nothing to worry about medically. It can happen to anyone, but women with thin skin and dry skin are more prone than those with thick, oily skin. The real determining factor? How often you bake your face: the more sun damage young people receive, the more likely you are to pay the price with orange peel skin later in life. This is another reason why adding foam with SPF 50 regularly is important. If your skin starts to form these fruit peel-like pits, your first treatment option is to rebuild collagen. Even the most expensive topical lotions and potions cant reverse years of sun damage, so the best approach is to use a home micro-stimulation device to stimulate collagen development or to visit a dermatologist for radiofrequency treatments like Thermismooth, according to Talakoub. Most importantly, remember that these treatments take time. “It takes years to break down collagen, and it takes months to rebuild it,” she explains. Todays editors, writers, and experts will carefully recommend products we really like, and we hope you will too! You know, there are indeed affiliate relationships today. So while each product is independently selected, if you buy a product through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue

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